Women Inspired! | Weekly Interviews With Some Of The World's Most Inspiring Women!

0070 | Take Radical Responsibility for your Subconscious Mind with Carolin Hauser-Carson



Your mind can be your biggest asset or your biggest barrier, and the choice is up to you.  Deep inside all of our minds is our subconscious. This is the old part of our brain that operates below our awareness, yet it exerts a powerful influence on the way we perceive the world and operate within it.  Keeping your subconscious mind healthy, in check, and working for you can be incredibly difficult. But it doesn't have to be.... This week, I sit down with Carolin Hauser-Carson, a Humanistic Psychologist, Family Constellations Facilitator, and the author of the book The Pleasure IQ. Carolin helps women connect to their life’s mission that spurs truly fulfilling careers, amazing contributions, and abundance in the areas of health and relationships.  This interview is incredibly interesting and powerful for so many reasons: Family Constellations - I learned about a new methodology for uncovering subconscious blocks called "family constellations." It has incredibly interesting connections to Cognitive