Women Inspired! | Weekly Interviews With Some Of The World's Most Inspiring Women!

0080 | How to Follow Your True Passion with Marnie Marmet



Each of us was given one and only one finite life to live, and because of that, the time we have is a precious gift. One of the ways to make the most of that gift is to spend our time doing things that align with our passions. Easier said than done, right? So many times, we succumb to the desire to stagnate and stay the same. Avoiding change feels safe and comfortable. We avoid asking ourselves whether the things we’re doing still align with our soul, and in doing so, we don’t live the life we are truly meant to live. Instead, what if you asked yourself the hard questions? Is this job still right for me? Does that relationship still serve me? Am I still happy doing ____? And, in addition to asking yourself those questions, what if you ACTUALLY ANSWERED THEM…..HONESTLY? Terrifying, right? Second, what if we abandoned the notion that life is black and white? You either work at a traditional job OR you’re an entrepreneur. You either inhabit a cubical, OR you pursue your passion project. What if that “or” was an