Women Inspired! | Weekly Interviews With Some Of The World's Most Inspiring Women!

0101 | Empowering Women to Take Charge of their Health with Dr. Kelly Culwell, aka "Dr. Lady Doctor"



Many of you know that I recently had a baby. Woah, nothing throws you in the middle of a women’s health journey like being pregnant and having a baby. Wanna know the craziest thing? I was SHOCKED about how little my doctors could tell me when I would ask questions about different aspects of pregnancy. Simple questions like, “Can I eat this?” or “How much of this should I have?” or “Is this supplement ok?” were always met with the same answer, “Weeeeeellll, we don’t really know.” That’s insane! How is it that there are so many unknowns about women’s health?! And how is it that we run into so much misinformation about our own bodies?! This week, we’re diving deep into the topic of women’s health with Dr. Kelly Culwell. Dr. Culwell is an OBGYN and former Medical Officer for the World Health Organization. She is so passionate about helping women take responsibility for their own health and get the most out of their appointments with their own doctors. Dr. Culwell and I hit on so many valuable topics: Why the wo