Women Inspired! | Weekly Interviews With Some Of The World's Most Inspiring Women!

0103 | You Are What You’ve Overcome with Genecia Alluora



Friends, meet Genecia Alluora! Genecia is the former Miss Singapore, the founder of Soul Rich Woman, South East Asia’s largest network of female entrepreneurs, and a literal powerhouse who is empowering other women to step into their own power and become entrepreneurs with such a unique business model. Occasionally, I interview someone who is so confident that she gives me a boost in my own confidence, simply through osmosis. This was one of those interviews. Genecia shared with us her incredible rise from having to financially support her family and being bullied as a child to becoming Miss Singapore! We also talked about some incredibly powerful topics that we can all learn from: The importance of personal development How critical it is to set boundaries and hold sacred certain portions of your life The power in shedding a victim mindset and moving beyond what has happened to you in your past. This one is going to make you pound on the table, friends. I can’t wait for you to meet Genecia!Advertising