Women Inspired! | Weekly Interviews With Some Of The World's Most Inspiring Women!

0121 | Toxic Positivity vs. Psychological Strength



“Just think positively!” “Why can’t you look on the bright side?” At one time or another, almost all of us have been going through a tough time and have had someone say something like this to us. It has become so pervasive that a term has been coined to describe it: toxic positivity. This is when encouraging someone to simply “look on the bright side” without taking into account the circumstances they’re in becomes more harmful than helpful. Here’s the thing: a big chunk of psychological strength involves intentional exercises that are positivity-focused or gratitude-focused. So, is the entire concept of psychological strength just another form of toxic positivity? Oooooh, hell no. In this episode, I am on a serious soap box about the importance and power of building psychological strength and how it’s vastly different from toxic positivity. I touch on: TIMING: The time to build psychological strength is NOT when you’re currently in crisis. That’s akin to trying to learn how to shoot free-throws during the