Women Inspired! | Weekly Interviews With Some Of The World's Most Inspiring Women!

0171 | Permission to Take Care of Yourself



If you’re like me, you’re a “doer.” When something needs to be done, you do it. When someone needs help, you’re there. When you see something that can be improved, you’re on it.  There’s a shadow side to all that “doing.”  Many times, we take on more and more at our own expense. We feel obligated to tend to others’ needs at the expense of our own. We try to control and manage things that are in actuality not ours to control and manage.   This is called “over-functioning,” and it’s one of the key topics we’re talking about in today’s episode.  Today, we’re speaking with Mandy Barbee. Mandy is a hypnotherapist, the founder of Palladium Mind, and perhaps more importantly, a recovered over-functioner.   Mandy brings her personal transformation and her expertise to this episode to talk about a number of important topics that are likely influencing us right now:  We talk about the committee of voices we all have in our mind that drives us to over-function  We talk about self-sabotage. What causes it and how we can