Women Inspired! | Weekly Interviews With Some Of The World's Most Inspiring Women!

0192 |Does it Test Well? A Case Study in Life Design



I’ll cut to the chase: this week’s podcast episode is an absolute master class in Life Design. If there is one single bit of friction in your life or you have even the smallest hunch that you want to make a change in your life, this episode is for you.  Today, we’re talking with my friend, Dave Dellanave. Normally, this would be where I put someone’s very official-sounding bio, but Dave is one of those people whose life and accomplishments don’t fit neatly into a polished paragraph.    Dave is a world record holding deadlifter. He is an entrepreneur who has successfully sold one company and the founder of one of the most successful gyms in the country. He’s a skydiver with 1400 jumps and counting. He’s an olive oil importer, and a documentary film maker.   He’s all of these things, and he has next to no credentials for any of them. Rather, he is the type of person who is continually asking himself whether the journey he’s on and the way he’s spending his time is aligned to who he is at his core.    Yes, it ma