Women Inspired! | Weekly Interviews With Some Of The World's Most Inspiring Women!

0202 | When you feel like life is against you



There’s no denying it – life is going to hand us adversity. Time and time again, we will be challenged by our circumstances, and many times, those circumstances won’t be in our control. When I was 13 years old, I went blind for the first time, and I will admit, I let victim mentality take over at first. I let a number of false beliefs control my actions, and I watched as my once full, vibrant life began to shrink. Until, one day, I decided not to play the victim anymore. I decided to acknowledge the situation I was in and take the next best step. Radical responsibility is what allowed me to do that, and in this episode of the podcast, we’re diving deep into what that means. We’ll explore the topic in the context of some of the most difficult events life can throw at us: grief, loss, uncertainty. I hope you leave this episode with a set of tools to help you become more intentional in the face of absolutely anything life can throw at you. It was during the most difficult challenges that I learned these lessons,