Women Inspired! | Weekly Interviews With Some Of The World's Most Inspiring Women!

0230 [LIFE] The Brain Science of Personal Empowerment



Have you ever wanted to change your behavior or go after a goal, yet you found it so difficult to do it? So many times, we get down on ourselves when this happens, yet brain science shows us that habits or patterns our mind formed over time are at the core of the difficulty we have in changing our own behavior.  This week on the podcast, we’re speaking with Adele Spraggon, international speaker, behavior change expert, and author of the book “Shift: 4 Steps to Personal Empowerment.” In our conversation, we talk about what brain patterns are and the powerful role they play in our behavior. Adele gives us a step-by-step process for beginning to make changes in our own brain patterns in order to move in the direction we want to go in life.  We end with a deep discussion on the importance of distancing ourselves from our own automatic thoughts and learning to bore into our emotions for the sake of gaining personal insight. You won’t want to miss it.  Get a free copy of Adele’s book at www.shift4steps.com   Learn