Women Inspired! | Weekly Interviews With Some Of The World's Most Inspiring Women!

0276 [PROFESSIONAL] The Hidden Force that Keeps You Stuck in a Job You Want to Leave



The last 18 months have caused so many of us to reevaluate the way we live life, and most notably, the work we do. Because of this, experts are predicting that we are at the beginning of one of the biggest professional migrations we've ever experienced as people change jobs, companies, and even industries to align their work with who they truly are. However, there's a hidden roadblock that can stand in your way if you're not watching for it. Many times, our identity gets wrapped up in our job through a process called role engulfment. We begin to see our job not as something we DO, but as WHO WE ARE. The thought of changing that can be very scary, leading us to stay in situations that aren't suited for us, even if we desperately want to change. Today we're talking all about it and what to do to move forward. Also on today's episode, I announced the expansion of my 1:1 coaching practice! I'm so excited to be working with more people in this intensive, intimate capacity. Visit https:/