Women Inspired! | Weekly Interviews With Some Of The World's Most Inspiring Women!

0299 [LIFE] Finding Meaning as we Move Through Grief



One of the most formative experiences of my life was losing my Dad to colon cancer when I was 11. The grief that I experienced at such a young age, coupled with the harsh realization of my own mortality, and eventually, the passion and meaning that came out of his death cannot be understated. We all will experience grief in our lives. It's a simple fact that we will lose people we love, and our ability to support ourselves and others through the grief process is so important to develop. This week, I'm speaking with Kimberley Pittman-Schulz. She is is an award-winning poet and author who writes, teaches, and speaks about death and loss, living mindfully, and being a force for change in the world. We have a powerful conversation about the different ways that grief can. manifest within each of us, and the ways we can support ourselves, depending upon our individual experience. We talk about the critical role that mindfulness can play in our healing. We also talk about grief as a complex mixture of severa