Artist, Activist, Journalist, Musician, Political Consultant Michael Salamone's internet chat show is sometimes serious, sometimes funny, sometimes random.
Salamone: episode 100
09/09/2016 Duración: 57minEpisode 100 looks back and then forward, with special guests Quincy Worthington, Kyle Burnett, Kshama Sawant, Tim Black, Benjamin Dixon and more. Support this podcast
Salamone: episode 99
06/09/2016 Duración: 21minOn Labor Day, 2016, Michael Salamone sat down for a rant on the history of this holiday and the labor movement in the United States, as well as the North Dakota pipeline protests and the crimes of the banking class in general. Support this podcast
Salamone: episode 98
30/08/2016 Duración: 18minMichael Salamone has a short rant about the NFL's Kaepernick, Anthony Weiner's weiner, true progressive Tim Canova, and all of us traveling on this orb around the sun together. Support this podcast
Salamone, episode 97: Our Revolution is bigger than one organization
25/08/2016 Duración: 44minMoments after the conclusion of the big Bernie Sanders, #OurRevolution live-stream event, Michael Salamone and Anoa Changa (from the Way with Anoa) chatted about it, what they wish they would have heard, concerns, hopes, and a bunch of other stuff too. Support this podcast
Salamone, episode 96: She’s Not Into Yoga
23/08/2016 Duración: 09minMichael Salamone has a quick rant about the newly uncovered, once thought deleted, Hillary Clinton "private" emails, which aren't at all about yoga or Chelsea's wedding and everything to do with the Clintons selling the US Government. She's Not Into Yoga. She Is Into Champagne. Support this podcast
Salamone, episode 95: Two Years Later
19/08/2016 Duración: 53minIt's hard to believe it's been two years since we started this broadcast. Michael Salamone chats with his first and most frequent guest, Rev. Quincy Worthington about politics, morality and humanity. Just like they've chatted about these last two years. . Support this podcast
Salamone: episode 94
16/08/2016 Duración: 21minMichael Salamone talks about stuff that's in the works for Media Revolt and then rants about fascists defending killer cops, Hillary and Trump, pro-wrestling and how it doesn't have to be like this. Support this podcast
Salamone ep. 93: Salamone vs. Tending the Nerd pt.1
12/08/2016 Duración: 49minMichael Salamone of Salamone (the podcast) and Kyle Burnett of the podcast Tending the Nerd team up for an epic conversation spanning two different shows about how comic books influenced their morality, politics and sense of justice. Get to know these two men through the heroes they love and the ideals these morality plays in four panels instilled in them. Two great Podcast Revolution shows in an uncanny cross-over event! For part two, tune into Tending the Nerd on Monday, August 15, 2016! . Support this podcast
Salamone, episode 92
09/08/2016 Duración: 29minAugust 9, 2016: Michael Salamone about endorsing Jill Stein, Social Media, Podcast Revolution, Hillary's obsession with the Russians, and a bunch of other stuff too. Support this podcast
Salamone, episode 91: Roadtrip Chats
04/08/2016 Duración: 01h47minTo and from and during our trip to Philadelphia for the DNC last week, I recorded six hours of conversations separate from our nightly round-table discussions involving the great Benjamin Dixon, the exceptional John MacDonald and the fabulous Mike James. The audio quality is often questionable. There are a few rough edits. I've wheedled the recordings down two an hour and a half, predominantly featuring the car ride home conversation we Periscoped bits and pieces of. However, this really was a week-long conversation. Still, I feel like there are some great chunks throughout and wanted to share it with you. Our week-long talk centered around the power structure, globalization and the future of democracy. Feel free to eavesdrop on us if you can stand the rough audio chunks. There are car noises, weird noises of all sorts and even a pretty solid rainstorm. Between all that though, you can catch some insight from some guys who want better for the country they love. Cheers. Support this podcast
#SalamoneAtTheDNC – End of DNC Roundtable
30/07/2016 Duración: 38minMichael Salamone, Benjamin Dixon, John McDonald and Mike James are one team of many involved in the coverage of the 2016 Democratic National Convention. "As soon as I got in the car to head to Philly with Ben and John, it became clear that our week together was going to be full of excellent conversation. Once Mike James got added in, it became one conversation, interrupted only by sleep and the DNC. As part of my show's contribution to this indie media collaboration of, I wanted to share that part of our experience with our friends who listen. My show is pretty free form, but the constant has always been a place where I share good conversations. This is a good, multi-day conversation I want to share." --Michael Salamone Each night of the DNC, the guys will record a round table to discuss their experiences that day, and let the conversation go wherever it goes. Support this podcast
#SalamoneAtTheDNC – Wednesday Night Round Table
28/07/2016 Duración: 53minMichael Salamone, Benjamin Dixon, John McDonald and Mike James are one team of many involved in the coverage of the 2016 Democratic National Convention. "As soon as I got in the car to head to Philly with Ben and John, it became clear that our week together was going to be full of excellent conversation. Once Mike James got added in, it became one conversation, interrupted only by sleep and the DNC. As part of my show's contribution to this indie media collaboration of, I wanted to share that part of our experience with our friends who listen. My show is pretty free form, but the constant has always been a place where I share good conversations. This is a good, multi-day conversation I want to share." --Michael Salamone Each night of the DNC, the guys will record a round table to discuss their experiences that day, and let the conversation go wherever it goes. Support this podcast
#SalamoneAtTheDNC – Tuesday Night Round Table
27/07/2016 Duración: 48minMichael Salamone, Benjamin Dixon, John McDonald and Mike James are one team of many involved in the coverage of the 2016 Democratic National Convention. "As soon as I got in the car to head to Philly with Ben and John, it became clear that our week together was going to be full of excellent conversation. Once Mike James got added in, it became one conversation, interrupted only by sleep and the DNC. As part of my show's contribution to this indie media collaboration of, I wanted to share that part of our experience with our friends who listen. My show is pretty free form, but the constant has always been a place where I share good conversations. This is a good, multi-day conversation I want to share." --Michael Salamone Each night of the DNC, the guys will record a round table to discuss their experiences that day, and let the conversation go wherever it go Support this podcast
#SalamoneAtTheDNC – Monday Night Round Table
26/07/2016 Duración: 15minMichael Salamone, Benjamin Dixon, John McDonald and Mike James are one team of many involved in the coverage of the 2016 Democratic National Convention. "As soon as I got in the car to head to Philly with Ben and John, it became clear that our week together was going to be full of excellent conversation. Once Mike James got added in, it became one conversation, interrupted only by sleep and the DNC. As part of my show's contribution to this indie media collaboration of, I wanted to share that part of our experience with our friends who listen. My show is pretty free form, but the constant has always been a place where I share good conversations. This is a good, multi-day conversation I want to share." --Michael Salamone Each night of the DNC, the guys will record a round table to discuss their experiences that day, and let the conversation go wherever it go Support this podcast
#SalamoneAtTheDNC – Sunday Night Round Table
25/07/2016 Duración: 45minMichael Salamone, Benjamin Dixon, John McDonald and Mike James are one team of many involved in the coverage of the 2016 Democratic National Convention. "As soon as I got in the car to head to Philly with Ben and John, it became clear that our week together was going to be full of excellent conversation. Once Mike James got added in, it became one conversation, interrupted only by sleep and the DNC. As part of my show's contribution to this indie media collaboration of, I wanted to share that part of our experience with our friends who listen. My show is pretty free form, but the constant has always been a place where I share good conversations. This is a good, multi-day conversation I want to share." --Michael Salamone Each night of the DNC, the guys will record a round table to discuss their experiences that day, and let the conversation go wherever it goes. Support this podcast
Salamone: Episode 85
21/07/2016 Duración: 18minOn July 20, 2016 Michael Salamone was invited to address students at Washington State University about independent media and the internet. These are the opening remarks as recorded from Michael's cell phone prior to the the Q and A discussion. Michael says the title should have been, "I'm a hack and why you should be one too." Support this podcast
Is This Dystopic Topic Topical?
12/07/2016 Duración: 31minHi. I had a rant in me. About a lot of stuff. Politics, humanity, the future, faith. There's some salty language in there again this week. If listening at work, use the earbuds. As always, thanks for listening at all. Support this podcast
Salamone: episode 83
07/07/2016 Duración: 23minMichael Salamone rehashes some notes from an early episode on reforms needed to address police brutality, because nothing has changed and it needs repeating. Support this podcast
How I Learned to Stop Worrying and #BernieOrBust
30/06/2016 Duración: 15minIn the final crossover of column & podcast, Michael Salamone looks at his resolve for #BernieOrBust, symptoms of his insomnia & decides on some changes. Support this podcast
Salamone, episode 81
27/06/2016 Duración: 25minMichael Salamone has a rant about American, as well as UK politics and manages to cuss a lot in the process. Support this podcast