We are webcasting Oregon Country Fair magic all year long! Take a trip down the path and listen in as we showcase creative, cultural, and sustainable events and happenings all over the world. If you are "Fair Family" or have been to the Oregon Country Fair, you can submit your content to us for review and inclusion in our website and podcast. We focus on Pacific Northwest creativity but welcome YOU to listen in wherever you are!
Derek Jones Glass Art at OCF
07/02/2020 Duración: 05minDerek Jones is an amazing glass artist who creates beautiful pendants, giant marble-like orbs, and more. Hear him talk about his personal ethos behind flexible pricing and how he collaborates with others for some of his settings. Spreading art and joy since 1995 at the Fair!
Everyone Orchestra: Matt Butler at OCF
07/02/2020 Duración: 08minMatt Butler talks about Everyone Orchestra and the history of this synergistic, improvisational music. Bringing together diverse musicians to create in-the-moment jams is his passion. Learn how he got started with this style and about some favorite moments.
True Band with Raven Muir at OCF
21/01/2020 Duración: 09minListen in as the TRUE band and friends perform on the stage at Philly Cheesesteak booth on the path at Oregon Country Fair. These young performers are led by their instructor John, who started this ukelele band at Ridgeline Montessori School in Eugene. Hear from band member Raven Muir, age 15, about how she got started and what Rock Camp, a part of Grrlz Rock, is about. Recorded in 2017.
Talismana Designs: Eve Bennett-Jones at OCF
08/01/2020 Duración: 05minEve at Talismana Designs talks to us about her design inspiration including symbolism and motifs of the natural world. Bees, bones, beetles, porcupine quills are just some of the materials she works with. She has lived the festival lifestyle for many years and now sells online as well. Leather pocket belts and festival wear clothing are included in her beautiful offerings, which are always popular for their unique style.
Arch Park Firestarting at OCF
27/12/2019 Duración: 24minHow do you make fire from traditional natural tools? Learn all the details as Jeff talks to us in Archaeology Park at Oregon Country Fair and starts a fire with a bow drill. He explains about the tools, types of tinder, methods of firestarting and answers questions from the crowd. The kids are super cute as they ask about his leather clothes and what he's doing.
Kat McMillan Open Heart Kirtan at OCF
27/11/2019 Duración: 04minGet to know Kavita "Kat" McMillan and her Open Heart Kirtan at the Spoken Word stage at Oregon Country Fair. She practices Bakhti Yoga and leads call and response "kirtans"- spiritual songs for upliftment. Beautiful and peaceful music!
Shady Lane Wanderings and Humble George at OCF
27/11/2019 Duración: 08minWander along Shady Lane at Oregon Country Fair, and drop in on live music inside the giant wicker dragon, and listen in to the band Humble George as they play some good old rag time and "sarcastic jazz", and heckle your host, Karen Rainsong.
Organic Matters at OCF
30/10/2019 Duración: 09minExplore the Organic Matters booth in Energy Park at the Oregon Country Fair. We'll learn about what transitional organic means, how farmers can make a difference, and the socio-economics of organic farming.
Energy Park Solar at OCF
04/10/2019 Duración: 05minLearn about the Oregon Energy Industries Association and the Solar Showers at the Oregon Country Fair! Amy Berg-Pickett talks to us about supporting solar energy statewide in a dynamic environment. Also hear from the Solar Showers crew- how to get clean on a dusty day!
Andy Lifshuts/ Honoring Grandma Barbara
04/10/2019 Duración: 04minListen to the story of Barbara Lifschuts, a treasured member of the Fair Family, who passed away. Her grandson Andy shares memories and Barbara's fiber arts in the booth, as well as selling his own jewelry. Andy remembers her fondly and her contributions to the fair for over 30 years. Julie from Bo Peep Hats shares the booth as well with her colorful creations.
Cindy & the Fantasy Horns Booth at OCF
03/10/2019 Duración: 04minCindy explains all about the finer aspects of fantasy horns and talks about some of the hilarious characters that have bought them over the years. We won't spoil it for you, but it makes for some fun listening.
Lost Valley Educational Center at Energy Park
25/09/2019 Duración: 04minWhat is Lost Valley Educational Center? We'll talk to Collin at his Oregon Country Fair booth and find out the many definitions of permaculture and how it relates to the land, people, and activities at this educational center in Dexter, Oregon.
Alkahest Leather at OCF
04/09/2019 Duración: 06minTake a peek inside the Alkahest Leather booth at the Oregon Country Fair and find out how duct tape and inspiration contributes to these beautiful and unique Sylvan style products. We'll talk to Dustin and Tiera, the co-creators of these fancy shoes, boots, and jewelry and find out how their work ethos informs the business of leather artistry.
BRING Recycling at Energy Park
18/08/2019 Duración: 08minLearn about BRING Recycling at their Oregon Country Fair booth, including the inspiration for some of their recycled sculptures and how people can get involved with their programs. Clifford relates how BRING serves the community and a little bit about it's past, present and the future of recycling.
Parenting at OCF
08/08/2019 Duración: 04minWhat's it like being a parent at Oregon Country Fair? Michelle explains her way of looking at it and why she keeps bringing the kids along each year. It's just part of a beautiful life....
The Jello Art Show in Eugene 2018
18/07/2019 Duración: 23minEugene, Oregon is home to a unique art form: Jello. This long-standing tradition is a single day of wiggly, bright, and funny art that takes place each year at the Maude Kerns Art Center. Hear from the Slug Queen of Eugene, the artists, and the crowd as they discuss the humorous, witty, and edible aspects of the show.
Fancy Shop of Important Things at OCF
05/07/2019 Duración: 05minBridget talks to us about all the many styles of unique hats she creates and sells in her booth at Oregon Country Fair. Find out the quirky way that she and her partner got started as mad hatters!
Hope in Action Conference in Eugene 2017
18/06/2019 Duración: 16minThe Hope in Action conference is an opportunity for 4th graders in Eugene, Oregon to learn about sustainability with hands-on workshops, speakers, dialogue and inspirational speakers. It is offered by Partners for Sustainable Schools, a 501 c (3) non profit organization in Eugene, Oregon. Hear from the Executive Director, Mel Bankoff and numerous presenters about the reasons behind this movement, what is taught and learned, and how it takes a village to empower children to be creative, responsible leaders.
Our Children's Trust Courthouse Rally
09/06/2019 Duración: 12minJoin the rally with Our Children's Trust youth at the Eugene Federal Building on July 18th, 2018. The crowd cheers the plaintiffs and lawyers as they appear for a hearing in the landmark court case Juliana vs. United States. Youth plaintiffs are suing the federal government for a the right to a livable planet and claiming the atmosphere is a public trust. Members of the crowd, and Avery McRae, one of the youth plaintiffs, are interviewed by Karen Rainsong about their thoughts and concerns about this case.
Our Children's Trust at OCF 2018
29/05/2019 Duración: 21minListen in at Oregon Country Fair in July 2018, at the Community Village Stage. Our Children's Trust and the youth plaintiffs who are suing the federal government for the fundamental right to a livable planet speak about the upcoming rally at the courthouse. Hear comments by the plaintiffs, by the community engagement manager of Our Children's Trust, and an interview with Kelsey Juliana, the lead plaintiff in the case.