Learning Chinese Through Stories

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 115:36:40
  • Mas informaciones



Using more than 99% target language, Learning Chinese through Stories(LCTS) creates authentic and immersive podcasts to help people around the world develop Chinese language skills and cultural competency. It covers a wide range of topics and proficiency levels. Every story has two parts: story (A) and story explanation (B), accompanied by annotated vocabulary and transcript.http://www.learningchinesethroughstories.com/


  • 2.3.16A《做饭点外卖哪个更划算》

    26/11/2019 Duración: 04min

    Cook at home or Order delivery ? Which one do you choose ? 在一二线城市工作的人,大多习惯了在饭点时打开订餐APP叫个外卖,知道哪家店的外卖便当特别好吃,哪家店送餐速度特别快,若是想吃清淡的点哪家,想吃重口味的叫哪家……不管你是在办公室里加班到深夜,还是回家饥肠辘辘嗷嗷待哺,只要掏出手机,等待几十分钟,就能吃到热腾腾的饭菜。 Zài yī èrxiàn chéngshì gōngzuò de rén , dàduō xíguàn le zài fàn diǎn shí dǎkāi dìngcān APP jiào ge wàimài , zhīdào nǎ jiā diàn de wàimài biàndàng tèbié hǎochī , nǎ jiā diàn sòng cān sùdù tèbié kuài , ruòshì xiǎng chī qīngdàn de diǎn nǎ jiā , xiǎng chī zhòng kǒuwèi de jiào nǎ jiā ……bùguǎn nǐ shì zài bàngōngshì lǐ jiābān dào shēnyè , hái shì huíjiā jī cháng lù lù áoáodàibǔ, zhǐyào tāochūshǒujī , děngdài jǐshí fēnzhōng , jiù néng chī dào rè téngténg de fàncài . 外卖已经成为快节奏生活中必不可少的一部分。 Wàimài yǐjīng chéngwéi kuài jiézòu shēnghuó Zhōng bìbùkěshǎo de yībùfèn . 做饭是一件看起来很不“划算”的事。 Zuòfàn shì yī jiàn kàn qǐlái hěn bù " huásuàn " de shì . 当一个人决定做饭,需要花上一个小时买菜,两个小时洗菜炒菜,但是吃完这一顿饭只要10分钟,另外还需要花上半个小时整理厨房。而这三个半小时的时间,其实可以用来多睡点懒觉,或者多看两三集电视剧。 Dāng yī ge rén juédìng zuòfàn , xūyào huāshàngyī ge xiǎoshí mǎi cài , liǎng ge xiǎoshí xǐ cài chǎocài

  • 2.2.30《女儿离开家以后》

    16/11/2019 Duración: 26min

    After dropping their daughter at her boarding school after 16 years... What are on the parents' mind ?   Check out our most recent podcast, which is based on the first episode of the TV show 《少年派》.The dialogue is from  8:04-8:40 in the first episode. 女儿:嘿嘿嘿 nü'er : hēi hēi hēi 爸爸:慢点,别那么毛毛糙糙的。 bà bà : màn diǎn , bié nà me máo máo cāo cāo de 。 保安:送君千里终有一别啊。家长们都回吧啊,回吧 bǎo ān : sòng jūn qiān lǐ zhōng yǒu yī bié ā 。 jiā zhǎng mén dou huí bā ā , huí bā     妈妈:16年第一次有一种抓不住孩子的感觉。 mā mā : 16 nián dì yī cì yǒu yī zhǒng zhuā bù zhù háizi de gǎn jué 。   爸爸:学校是你选的,班是你挑的。我看这学校不错,连这保安说话都文邹邹的。 bà bà : xué xiào shì nǐ xuǎn de , bān shì nǐ tiāo de 。 wǒ kàn zhè xué xiào bù cuò , lián zhè bǎo ān shuō huà dou wén zōu zōu de 。   妈妈:我担心她睡觉不老实,她在家睡的是大床。 mā mā : wǒ dān xīn tā shuì jiào bù lǎoshi, tā zài jiā shuì de shì dà chuáng 。   爸爸:没问题,架子床没多高,摔下来也摔不坏。 bà bà : méi wèn tí , jià zi chuáng méi duō gāo , shuāi xià lái yě shuāi bù huài 。   妈妈:谁说的?最近刚有的新闻:有一个女孩儿从宿舍的床上摔下来摔瘫了。 mā mā : shuí shuō de ? zuì jìn gāng yǒu de xīn wén : yǒu yī gè

  • 3.3.10A《背影》

    01/11/2019 Duración: 12min

    The other day, I read the poem'My Father's Back' by Edward Hirsch. It reminded me of

  • 2.3.15AB《爱的代价》

    26/10/2019 Duración: 42min

    爱的代价The cost of love- one of the top songs written and sung by Jonathan Lee李宗胜. Been hailed as the “million-dollar” producer, and deemed as the Godfather of Mandopop music, Joanthan lee wrote and produced many classic hits popular until today.   We couldn’t do it without the help of all our wonderful Patrons, so our thanks to every last one of you! ! Want to join our adventuring party and help create more authentic Chinese learning podcasts for more people around the world? Become our patrons https://www.patreon.com/join/learningchinesethroughstories?   Are you already a listener? Leaving the show a review on iTunes will help more people find the podcast. Thank you!!  

  • 3.3.9B《木兰辞》

    18/10/2019 Duración: 39min

    The original story of how Mulan disguises herself as a male warrior in order to save her father from being drafted to the army, from which Disney produced the movie Mulan.   We couldn’t do it without the help of all our wonderful Patrons, so our thanks to every last one of you! ! Want to join our adventuring party and help bring more authentic Chinese learning podcasts to more people around the world? Become our patrons https://www.patreon.com/join/learningchinesethroughstories?   Are you already a listener? Leaving the show a review on iTunes will help more people find the podcast. Thank you!! For anyone that is interested in Wild Ginseng(野山参), please check out this website from one of our listeners.   

  • 3.3.9A《木兰辞》

    11/10/2019 Duración: 08min

     The original story of how Mulan disguises herself as a male warrior in order to save her father from being drafted to the army, from which Disney produced the movie Mulan.   We couldn’t do it without the help of all our wonderful Patrons, so our thanks to every last one of you! ! Want to join our adventuring party and help bring more authentic Chinese learning podcasts to more people around the world? Become our patrons https://www.patreon.com/join/learningchinesethroughstories?   Are you already a listener? Leaving the show a review on iTunes will help more people find the podcast. Thank you!!  

  • 1.3.32AB《外面的世界》Special episode (Patrons-only)

    22/09/2019 Duración: 05min

    在这期节目里,我们聊到了80年代最经典的一首歌—《外面的世界》。他也是歌手兼创作人的齐秦最为流行的一首代表作。 Today we are bringing a special episode just for our patrons- “Outside World”    a classic from singer & songwriter Chyi Chin 齐秦. We chatted about the history behind the song, its yearning and deep poignancy.     We couldn’t do it without the help of all our wonderful Patrons, so our thanks to every last one of you! ! Want to join our adventuring party and help bring more authentic Chinese learning podcasts to more people around the world? Become our patrons https://www.patreon.com/join/learningchinesethroughstories?   Are you already a listener? Leaving the show a review on iTunes will help more people find the podcast. Thank you!!   For anyone that is interested in Wild Ginseng(野山参), check out this website from one of our listeners.

  • 2.2.29《她来听我的演唱会》

    13/09/2019 Duración: 36min

    With more than 25 million records sold as of 2003, Jacky Cheung is regarded as one of the "Four Heavenly Kings" and has been deemed the "God of Songs" of Hong Kong. 她来听我的演唱会 词:梁文福 曲:黄明洲 她来听我的演唱会 在十七岁的初恋第一次约会 男孩为了她彻夜排队 半年的积蓄买了门票一对 我唱得她心醉    我唱得她心碎 三年的感情一封信就要收回 她记得月台汽笛声声在催 播我的歌陪着人们流泪 嘿 陪人们流泪   她来听我的演唱会 在二十五岁恋爱是风光明媚 男朋友背着她送人玫瑰 她不听电话夜夜听歌不睡 我唱得她心醉 我唱得她心碎 成年人分手后都像无所谓 和朋友一起买醉卡拉ok 唱我的歌 陪着画面流泪 嘿陪着流眼泪   我唱得她心醉 我唱得她心碎 在三十三岁真爱那么珍贵 年轻的女孩求她让一让位 让男人决定跟谁远走高飞 嘿谁在远走高飞 我唱得她心醉我唱得她心碎 她努力不让自己看来很累 岁月在听我们唱无怨无悔 在掌声里唱到自己流泪 嘿唱到自己流泪 她来听我的演唱会 在四十岁后听歌的女人很美 小孩在问她为什么流泪 身边的男人早已渐渐入睡 她静静听着我们的演唱会   Photos by Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay We couldn’t do it without the help of all our wonderful Patrons, so our thanks to every last one of you! ! Want to join our adventuring party and help bring more authentic Chinese learning podcasts to more people around the world? Become our patrons https://www.patreon.com/join/learningchinesethroughstories?   Are you already a listener? Leaving the show a review on iTunes will help more people find the pod

  • 1.3.31《你会买今年的新iPhone么》

    05/09/2019 Duración: 41min

    Are you gonna buy iPhone 11 ? #新iPhone于9月13日开始接受预订#外媒援引自一位苹果供应商人士的消息显示,苹果新款iPhone 11系列产品将于9月13日星期五开始接受预订,并在一周后的9月20日陆陆续续开始向预定客户发货。那么,你会买今年的新iPhone么?    我觉得不好看,不买,其实是太穷了,买不起 —盐橙味奶盖  这就是大家期待已久的iPhone 11,大家觉得如何?感觉肾保住了! —盐城米老板  这个摄像头的设计真的不好看耶,像极了浴霸,设计者是不是在洗澡的时候出现的灵感啊 ​ —Emily笑容    用个耐用的苹果手机四五年不好吗,我的6s到现在依然坚挺,喷什么喷,这性价比算得来吧?您要是一年换一部安卓机当我没说。 —WLnix 我嫌它丑它嫌我穷 —远清今天也很困 当初苹果6出来也被说丑,包括我,还不是大把人卖肾各种法子买,其实手机就跟人一样,中看的不中用,中用的不中看,好用才是最实在,果粉五年,再换手机还是苹果。真心觉得便宜的东西除了买的时候开心,其他时候都不开心,贵的东西一定有它的道理 —不乖不萌丿  iphonex刚出来的时候我说它有一点点丑 但还好 这个新iphone是真的丑的惨绝人寰  我的6s p还可以再战几年 —甜不想吃  我的小6,要加油哇

  • 2.1.28 AB《我是一只小小小鸟》

    25/08/2019 Duración: 56min

    "I am just a little bird"–one of Zhaochuan's biggest hit from 1990, yet one of the all-time top songs.  我是一只小小鸟 wǒ shì yī zhī xiǎo xiǎo niǎo  词:李宗盛 cí : lǐ zōng shèng  曲:李宗盛 qū : lǐ zōng shèng  演唱:赵传 yǎn chàng : zhào chuán  有时候我觉得自己yǒu shí hòu wǒ jué dé zì jǐ  像一只小小鸟xiàng yī zhī xiǎo xiǎo niǎo  想要飞 xiǎng yào fēi  却怎么样也飞不高què zěn me yàng yě fēi bù gāo  也许有一天我栖上了枝头yě xǔ yǒu yī tiān wǒ qī shàng le zhī tóu  却成为猎人的目标què chéng wéi liè rén de mù biāo  我飞上了青天才发现自己wǒ fēi shàng le qīng tiān cái fā xiàn zì jǐ  从此无依无靠cóng cǐ wú yī wú kào  每次到了夜深人静的时候měi cì dào le yè shēn rén jìng de shí hòu  我总是睡不着wǒ zǒng shì shuì bù zhe 我怀疑是不是只有wǒ huái yí shì bù shì zhī yǒu  我的明天没有变得更好wǒ de míng tiān méi yǒu biàn dé gēng hǎo  未来会怎样wèi lái huì zěn yàng  究竟有谁会知道jiū jìng yǒu shuí huì zhī dào  幸福是否只是一种传说xìng fú shì fǒu zhī shì yī zhǒng chuán shuō  我永远都找不到wǒ yǒng yuǎn dou zhǎo bù dào  我是一只小小小小鸟 wǒ shì yī zhī xiǎo xiǎo xiǎo xiǎo niǎo  想要飞呀飞xiǎng yào fēi yā fēi  却飞也飞不高què fēi yě fēi bù gāo  我寻寻觅觅寻寻觅觅wǒ xún xún mì mì xún xún mì mì  一个温暖的怀抱yī gè

  • 3.3.8B《中国的留守儿童》

    09/08/2019 Duración: 57min

    "There is, of course, a now accepted view in the West that deprivation and childhood neglect can increase the likelihood of anti-social and criminal behaviour later in life.  But what strikes me when talking to the children we meet in Sichuan and Guizhou is not anger or resentment." __John Sudworth    词汇 繁体 拼音 词性 HSK等级 英文 1 代价 代價 dài jià noun 六级 price; cost 2 消耗 消耗 xiāo hào verb 六级 to consume 3 水泥 水泥 shuǐ ní noun 六级 cement 4 总和 總和 zǒng hé noun 六级 sum 5 伴随 伴隨 bàn suí verb 六级 to accompany 6 创作 創作 chuàng zuò verb 六级 to create 7 拽 拽 zhuài verb 六级 to pull 8 统计 統計 tǒng jì noun/verb 六级 statistics, count 9 操作 操作 cāo zuò verb 六级 to operate 10 机械 機械 jī xiè noun 六级 machinery 11 支撑 支撐 zhī chēng verb 六级 to prop up; to support 12 探讨 探討 tàn tǎo verb 六级 to investigate; to probe 13 并非 並非 bìng fēi adv 六级

  • 3.3.8A《中国的留守儿童》

    04/08/2019 Duración: 10min

    China had 61 million left-behind children...that's almost Britan's total population.    中国用短短二三十年时间完成了其他国家耗时近一个世纪才能完成的工业化过程。和这场工业革命的速度同样惊人的是它的规模。在工业革命开始的时候,英国人口仅有1000万左右。中国今天的人口是当时英国的100倍以上。 Zhōngguó yòng duǎnduǎn èr sānshí nián shíjiān wánchéng le qítāguójiā hàoshí jìn yī ge shìjì cáinéng wánchéng de gōngyèhuà guòchéng . Hé zhè chǎng gōngyègémìng de sùdù tóngyàng jīngrén de shì tā de guīmó . Zài gōngyègémìng kāishǐ de shíhou , Yīngguó rénkǒu jǐn yǒu yīqiānwàn zuǒyòu . Zhōngguó jīntiān de rénkǒu shì dāngshí Yīngguó de yībǎi bèi yǐshàng . 2013年之前的5年时间里,中国建筑工地上消耗的水泥以及银行发放的贷款相当于美国20世纪的总和。经济的迅猛增长往往伴随着社会问题,这些社会问题的严重程度可能连创作了《雾都孤儿》的小说家查尔斯·狄更斯都难以想象。要观察这些社会问题和社会代价的最佳角度,无疑是中国的“留守儿童”。 Èr líng yīsān nián zhīqián de wǔ nián shíjiān lǐ , Zhōngguó jiànzhúgōngdì shàng xiāohào de shuǐní yǐjí yínháng fāfàng de dàikuǎn xiāngdāngyú Měiguó èrshí shìjì de zǒnghé . Jīngjì de xùnměng zēngzhǎng wǎngwǎng bànsuí zhe shèhuìwèntí , zhè xiē shèhuìwèntí de yánzhòng chéngdù kěnéng lián chuàngzuò le 《 wùdōugūer》 de xiǎoshuōjiā Cháěrsī - dígè

  • 3.3.7B《李荣浩》

    26/07/2019 Duración: 42min

    Story explanation ( Part B) of 3.3.7A《李荣浩》 简体;繁体;拼音;词性;意思 炙手可热;炙手可熱;zhì shǒu kě rè;;lit. (idiom) 可见一斑;可見一斑;kě jiàn yī bān;verb phrase;see a segment of a whole 世俗;世俗;shì sú;adj;secular; worldly 老天爷;老天爺;lǎo tiān yé;noun;God; Heavens 谋生;謀生;móu shēng;verb;to earn a living 叛逆;叛逆;pàn nì;verb/noun;to rebel; to revolt; a rebel 倔强;倔強;jué jiàng;adj;stubborn 索性;索性;suǒ xìng;adv;you might as well (do it); simply; just 干脆;乾脆;gān cuì;adv; you might as well; simply 尴尬;尷尬;gān gà;adj; embarrassed 翻来覆去;翻來覆去;fān lái fù qù;verb;to toss and turn (sleeplessly); again and again 执着;執着;zhí zhuó;verb;to be dedicated; to cling to 极致;極致;jí zhì;adv;pinnacle; ultimate 境界;境界;jìng jiè;noun;state; realm 北漂;北漂;běi piāo;verb/noun;migrant worker living and working in Beijing without a residence permit 幕后;幕後;mù hòu;noun;behind the scenes 唠叨;嘮叨;láo dao;verb;to nag; garrulous; nagging   Help us reach 99 Patrons https://www.patreon.com/learnin

  • 3.3.7A《李荣浩》

    14/07/2019 Duración: 09min

    A breakout star in Chinese pop music, Li Ronghao is one of the most exciting newcomers in the industry.  出道五年,发行五张专辑。李荣浩在乐坛的炙手可热,从他一加入《中国新说唱》就引发抢人大战可见一斑。但即使成名,他身上却找不到任何的骄傲与自满。他的人,就像他的歌那样,始终保持在自己的节奏上,没有一点世俗的杂音。 Chūdàowǔ nián , fāxíng wǔ zhāng zhuānjí . lǐrónghào zài lè tán de zhì shǒu kě rè , cóng tā yī jiārù《Zhōngguó xīn shuōchàng 》 jiù yǐnfā qiǎng réndà zhàn kějiànyībān . Dàn jíshǐ chéngmíng, tā shēn shàng què zhǎo bù dào rènhé de jiāoào yǔ zìmǎn. Tā de rén , jiù xiàng tā de gē nàyàng , shǐzhōng bǎochí zài zìjǐ de jiézòu shàng , méiyǒu yīdiǎn shìsú de záyīn . 你说你知道自己九岁时的梦想是什么吗?李荣浩自问自答,我不知道。“我只知道当时的自己是个傻子,我喜欢打电动,就要天天玩电动。我喜欢弹吉他,就要天天弹吉他。有时候你喜欢一个东西,是没有任何理由的,总之老天爷就让你作这件事。” Nǐ shuō nǐ zhīdào zìjǐ jiǔ suì shí de mèngxiǎng shì shénme ma ? lǐrónghào zì wèn zì dá , wǒ bù zhīdào. "Wǒ zhǐ zhīdào dāngshí de zìjǐ shì ge shǎzi , wǒ xǐhuān dǎ diàndòng , jiù yào tiāntiān wán diàndòng . Wǒ xǐhuān tán jíta , jiù yào tiāntiān  tán jíta . Yǒu shíhou nǐ xǐhuān yī ge dōngxi , shì méiyǒu rènhé lǐyóu de , zǒngzhī lǎotiānyě jiù ràng

  • 2.2.28B《好久不见》

    08/07/2019 Duración: 31min

    Story explanation ( Part B) of 2.2.28 《好久不见》 词汇;拼音;词性;意思   城市;chéngshì;noun; city 想象;xiǎngxiàng; verb; imagine 日子;rìzi; noun; life 孤独;gūdú; adj; lonesome 熟悉;shúxī; adj; familiar 条;tiáo; measure word for long & thin item( street, river, road, pants…) 画面;huàmiàn; noun; scene 忽然;hūrán; adv; suddenly 街角;jiējiǎo; noun; street corner 改变;gǎibiàn; verb/noun; change 从前;cóngqián; noun; the past   Help us reach 99 Patreons https://www.patreon.com/learningchinesethroughstories Are you already a listener? Leaving the show a review on iTunes will help more people find the podcast. Thank you!!

  • 2.2.28A《好久不见》

    30/06/2019 Duración: 08min

    One of the top hits from Eason Chan who has released 89 records and sold more than 20 million albums.    好久不见 作曲:陈小霞  作词:林夕 我来到你的城市wǒ láidào nǐ de chéngshì  走过你来时的路zǒu guò nǐ lái shí de lù 想像着没我的日子xiǎngxiàng zhe méi wǒ de rìzi 你是怎样的孤独nǐ shì zěnyàng de gūdú   拿着你给的照片názhe nǐ gěi de zhàopiàn   熟悉的那一条街shúxī de nà yī tiáo jiē  只是没了你的画面zhǐ shì méi le nǐ de huàmiàn 我们回不到那天wǒmen huí bù dào nàtiān   你会不会忽然的出现nǐ huì bù huì hūrán de chūxiàn 在街角的咖啡店zài jiējiǎ de kāfēidiàn 我会带着笑脸wǒ huì dài zhe xiàoliǎn 挥手寒喧huīshǒu hánxuān 和你坐着聊聊天hé nǐ zuòzhe liáoliaotiān   我多么想和你见一面wǒ duōme xiǎng hé nǐ jiàn yīmiàn  看看你最近改变kànkan nǐ zuìjìn gǎibiàn 不再去说从前bù zài qù shuō cóngqián 只是寒喧zhǐ shì hánxuān 对你说一句duì nǐ shuō yī jù 只是说一句 zhǐ shì shuō yī jù 好久不见hǎojiǔbùjiàn   拿着你给的照片názhe nǐ gěi de zhàopiàn   熟悉的那一条街shúxī de nà yī tiáo jiē  只是没了你的画面zhǐ shì méi le nǐ de huàmiàn 我们回不到那天wǒmen huí bù dào nàtiān   你会不会忽然的出现nǐ huì bù huì hūrán de chūxiàn 在街角的咖啡店zài jiējiǎ de kāfēidiàn 我会带着笑脸wǒ huì dài zhe xiàoliǎn 挥手寒喧huīshǒu hánxuān 和你坐着聊聊天hé nǐ zuòzhe liáo

  • 3.2.9《土味情话》

    23/06/2019 Duración: 25min

    Nine cheesy pick-up lines that will definitely make your crush smile ! 1. “你有打火机吗?” “ nǐ yǒu dǎhuǒjī ma ? " “没有啊。” " méiyǒu ā . "  “那你是怎么点燃我的心的?” " nà nǐ shì zěnme diǎnrán wǒ de xīn de ? " 2. “你累不累啊?” " nǐ lèi bu lèi ā ? "  “不累。” " bù lèi . "  “可是你都在我心里跑了一天了。” " kěshì nǐ dōu zài Wǒ xīnli pǎo le yītiānle . " 3.被你赞过的朋友圈,叫甜甜圈。 Bèi nǐ zànguò de péngyou quān , jiào tián tián quān . 4.“我想把世界上最好的给你” Wǒ xiǎng bǎ shìjièshàng zuì hǎo de gěi nǐ “却发现世上最好的就是你” què fāxiàn shìshàng zuì hǎo de jiùshì nǐ 5.“我快被淹死了” " Wǒ kuài bèiyānsǐ le " “啊?” " ā ? "  “坠入了你的爱河,无法自拔了” " zhuìrù le nǐ de ài hé , wúfǎ zìbá le " 6.“你是近视吗?”  " nǐ shì jìnshì ma ? "  “为什么这样说?”  " wèishénme zhèyàng shuō ? " “这么久了你都看不出我喜欢你。” " zhème jiǔ le nǐ dōu kàn bù yǐ wéi yì wǒ xǐhuān nǐ . " 7.“你知道世界上哪个地方最冷吗?” " nǐ zhīdào shìjièshàng nǎ ge dìfang zuì lěng ma ? "  “北极”。 " běijí " . “不,没有你的地方” " bù , méiyǒu nǐ de dìfang " 8.我不喜欢足球因为追不上球  Wǒ bù xǐhuān zúqiú yīnwèi zhuī bù shàng qiú  我追不上你竟然还是喜欢你 Wǒ zhuī bù shàng nǐ jìngrán hái shì xǐhuān nǐ 9.我觉得你今天有点怪 Wǒ juéde nǐ j

  • 3.3.6B《我的高考》

    16/06/2019 Duración: 58min

    Story explanation ( Part B) of 3.3.6 《我的高考》 词汇;拼音;词性;意思 距离;jù lí;Verb;to be apart from 直到......以后;zhí dào... yǐ hòu;Verb phrase;until after... 脚印;jiǎo yìn;Noun;footprint 宛若;wǎn ruò;;to be just like 旋转门;xuán zhuàn mén;Noun;revolving door 命运;mìng yùn;Noun;fate; destiny; 车轮;chē lún;Noun;wheel 随着;suí zhe;Verb;along with 推移;tuī yí;Verb;(of time) to elapse or pass 自习;zì xí;Noun;to study by oneself 节;jié;;measure word for class 占课;zhānkè;Verb phrase;to claim a (free) class period 按照;àn zhào;Verb;according to 惯例;guàn lì;Noun;usual practice 补课;bǔ kè;Verb phrase;extra school hours during the break usually for seniors in high school 小年;xiǎo nián;Noun phrase;a festival that falls on the 23rd or 24th of the twelfth month of the lunar year 特殊;tè shū;Adj;special 百年不遇;bǎi nián bù yù;Chengyu;only met with once every hundred years (drought, flood etc) 冰;bīng;Noun;ice 灾;zāi;Noun;disaster 根本;gēn běn;Adverb;absolutely (not); (not) at all 窝;wō;Verb;to nest in 洗漱;xǐ shù;Verb;to wash the face and brush teeth 挨着;āi zhe;Verb;next to 线

  • 3.3.6A《我的高考》

    11/06/2019 Duración: 06min

    Millions of students across China were sitting the "gaokao" last week, which decides which university they will go to. How do students cope with the most important exam in their life ? 高考又到了。而距离我的高考,11年已经过去了。 Gāokǎo yòu dàole . ér jùlí wǒ de gāokǎo , shíyī nián yǐjīng guòqù le . 直到许多年以后,回头看身后的脚印,才明白当年那场考试,宛若旋转门一般,有人向左,有人向右。我们与儿时伙伴们的命运车轮悄悄转向,并随着时间的推移,越走越远。 Zhídào xǔduō nián yǐhòu , huítóu kàn shēnhòu de jiǎoyìn , cái míngbai dāngnián nà chǎng kǎoshì , wǎnruò xuánzhuǎnmén yībān , yǒu rén xiàng zuǒ , yǒu rén xiàng yòu . Wǒmen yǔ érshíhuǒbànmen de mìngyùn chēlún qiaoqiao zhuǎnxiàng , bìng suízhe shíjiān de tuīyí , yuè zǒu yuè yuǎn . 那个时候,夏天6点半上早自习,冬天好像是7点吧,上半个小时左右,去吃早餐。然后上午4节课,下午3节课,晚上还要晚自习到9点。周日上午也要上自习,不是这个老师来占课,就是那个老师来占课。 Nàge shíhou , xiàtiān Liù diǎn bàn shàng zǎo zìxí , dōngtiān hǎoxiàng shì qī diǎn ba , shàngbàn ge xiǎoshí zuǒyòu , qù chī zǎocān . Ránhòu shàngwǔ sì jié kè, xiàwǔ sān jié kè, wǎnshang hái yào wǎn zìxí dào jiǔ diǎn . Zhōurì shàngwǔ yě yào shàng zìxí , bú shì zhège lǎoshī lái zhàn kè , jiùshì

  • 3.1.5B《生活是一场妥协》

    02/06/2019 Duración: 54min

    Story explanation ( Part B) of 3.1.5《生活是一场妥协》 词汇;拼音;词性;意思 毕业;bì yè;Verb;to graduate; to finish school 调侃;tiáo kǎn;Verb;to tease 称为;chēng wéi;Verb; to call sth (by a name) 加班;jiā bān;Verb;to work overtime 称呼;chēng hu;Noun;form of address 多少;duō shǎo;Adv;somewhat 尊严;zūn yán;Noun;dignity 生存;shēng cún;Verb;to survive 妥协;tuǒ xié;Noun/Verb;to compromise; a compromise 的确;dí què;Adv;indeed 牺牲;xī shēng;Noun/verb;to sacrifice (something valued) 同龄人;tóng líng rén;Noun;peer; person of the same age 知名;zhī míng;Adj;well-known; famous 外企;wài qǐ;Noun;foreign enterprise 履历;lǚ lì;Noun;background (academic and work); CC 竞争力;jìng zhēng lì;Noun;competitiveness 眼前;yǎn qián;Noun;before one's eyes; now; at present 煎熬;jiān áo;Noun;suffering; torture 憧憬;chōng jǐng;Noun/Verb;to long for; vision for the future 身心;shēn xīn;Noun;mental and physical 疲惫;pí bèi;Adj;exhausted 纠结;jiū jié;Adj;twisted and confused 权衡;quán héng;Verb;to balance (pros and cons) 可观;kě guān;Adj;considerable 描述;miáo shù;Verb;to describe 职业规划;zhí yè guī huá;Noun;career

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