Un canal de crecimiento y desarrollo interior. Programas de Christian Ortiz Velarde. Sanación, Terapias , neopaganismo, espiritualidad de la Diosa, perspectiva de género, desarrollo humano y psicoterapia.
Narraciones sobre la mujer fuerte: Sobre la virgen, el alma y la fuerza de la mujer
12/12/2017 Duración: 01h04minNarraciones sobre la mujer fuerte: Sobre la virgen, el alma y la fuerza de la mujer. Sobre la virgen, el alma y la fuerza de la mujer. Liliana Peressotti Editado por Christian Ortiz / EDICIÓN INDEPENDIENTE Y CON FINES CULTURALES / NO COMERCIAL .....................
MAITRI: Autoamor, ternura y compasión inspirada en la psicología de oriente.
04/12/2017 Duración: 38minMAITRI Un camino de autoamor, ternura y compasión inspirada en la psicología de oriente. Temas: De la autoestima al “Autoamor”. Ejercicios y prácticas diarias: 1 Autorechazo y ejercicio de reencuadre. 2 Observación consciente y los otros como espejo. 3 Trabajo con espejo y afirmaciones. 4 El cultivo de la gratitud consciente. Meditación guiada: Respirar en Maitri. Charla y meditación grabadas el 3 de diciembre del 2017. Christian Ortiz
GRATITUD Y PLEGARIAS - De “El jardinero fiel” C. P. ESTÉS
27/11/2017 Duración: 03minGRATITUD Y PLEGARIAS - De “El jardinero fiel” C. P. ESTÉS Christian Ortiz ............................................................................................................
El amor no duele: Detección temprana de abuso y tipos de violencia.
22/11/2017 Duración: 01h08minEl amor no duele: Detección temprana de abuso y tipos de violencia. Christian Ortiz Conferencias gratuitas online: Día Internacional de la Eliminación de la Violencia contra la Mujer. 25 de noviembre
Detectar la codependencia emocional. Christian Ortiz.
17/10/2017 Duración: 22minDetectar la codependencia emocional. Rev. Dr. Christian Ortiz. Algunas características para detectar la codependencia emocional. Christian Ortiz Música de fondo: Dreams – Gabor Szabo (1968)
Perséfone y Hades - Observaciones psicológicas del mito. Christian Ortiz.
06/10/2017 Duración: 18minPerséfone y Hades - Observaciones psicológicas del mito. Christian Ortiz. Reflexiones sobre el mapa psicológico del mito que fueron compartidas el grupo de trabajo online de Ness Bosch. Rev. Dr. Christian Ortiz FRATERNIDAD DE LA DIOSA Ness Bosch
El Juez interior y el Autorechazo. Christian Ortiz.
13/09/2017 Duración: 32min CONTENIDO: -La educación y los sistemas familiares “juiciosos”. -Aprendizajes implícitos y explícitos de juicio y dolor. -Mapas del mundo y juez interior. -Ojos abiertos: De la vergüenza al ejercicio de la compasión. -Ejercicios personales para trabajar el juez interior. -Los cuatro pasos para decodificar al juez interior. La disposición al cambio y la transformación. Reconocer los códigos del Juez interior y el Yo real. (Ejercicios) Detectar los orígenes en la propia historia de vida. (Ejercicios) La dieta interior y la desintoxicación. (Ejercicios) Reflexiones sobre el “la fuente sanadora” que nos habita. SABER SANAR 2017 FRACCIÓN DESCARGA COMPLETA EN
La psique, la creatividad y el arte. Christian Ortiz
06/09/2017 Duración: 36minLa psique, la creatividad y el arte. Christian Ortiz facebook blog grabación 2012 La psique, la creatividad y el arte. Christian Ortiz facebook blog grabación 2012
La Diosa Oscura – Christian Ortiz [World Goddess Day Symposium]
30/08/2017 Duración: 31minLa Diosa Oscura – Christian Ortiz [World Goddess Day Symposium] The International Goddess Spirituality Seminar (GODDESS SEMINARY) is pleased to invite you to the ON - LINE World Goddess Day Symposium, which will be held on September 3, 2017. More info ON-LINE SYMPOSIUM PRESENTATION The International Symposium on Spirituality of the Goddess is a meeting space where voices and hearts unite to celebrate and reflect on the great Mother, in Her many faces, religious and cultural representations.
Goddess & Goddesses Across Time & Cultures. – Selena Fox [World Goddess Day Symposium]
30/08/2017 Duración: 39minGoddess & Goddesses Across Time & Cultures. – Selena Fox [World Goddess Day Symposium] The International Goddess Spirituality Seminar (GODDESS SEMINARY) is pleased to invite you to the ON - LINE World Goddess Day Symposium, which will be held on September 3, 2017. More info ON-LINE SYMPOSIUM PRESENTATION The International Symposium on Spirituality of the Goddess is a meeting space where voices and hearts unite to celebrate and reflect on the great Mother, in Her many faces, religious and cultural representations.
La Astrología desde la Diosa - Mónica Gobbin [World Goddess Day Symposium]
30/08/2017 Duración: 33minLa Astrología desde la Diosa como herramienta de Empoderamiento Espiritual - Mónica Gobbin [World Goddess Day Symposium] The International Goddess Spirituality Seminar (GODDESS SEMINARY) is pleased to invite you to the ON - LINE World Goddess Day Symposium, which will be held on September 3, 2017. More info ON-LINE SYMPOSIUM PRESENTATION The International Symposium on Spirituality of the Goddess is a meeting space where voices and hearts unite to celebrate and reflect on the great Mother, in Her many faces, religious and cultural representations.
The Great Mother, Light and Dark -Yeshe Matthews [World Goddess Day Symposium]
30/08/2017 Duración: 33minThe Great Mother, Light and Dark -Yeshe Matthews [World Goddess Day Symposium] The International Goddess Spirituality Seminar (GODDESS SEMINARY) is pleased to invite you to the ON - LINE World Goddess Day Symposium, which will be held on September 3, 2017. More info ON-LINE SYMPOSIUM PRESENTATION The International Symposium on Spirituality of the Goddess is a meeting space where voices and hearts unite to celebrate and reflect on the great Mother, in Her many faces, religious and cultural representations.
La Diosa en las mujeres y en los hombres – Christian Ortiz [World Goddess Day Symposium]
30/08/2017 Duración: 16minLa Diosa en las mujeres y en los hombres – Christian Ortiz [World Goddess Day Symposium] The International Goddess Spirituality Seminar (GODDESS SEMINARY) is pleased to invite you to the ON - LINE World Goddess Day Symposium, which will be held on September 3, 2017. More info ON-LINE SYMPOSIUM PRESENTATION The International Symposium on Spirituality of the Goddess is a meeting space where voices and hearts unite to celebrate and reflect on the great Mother, in Her many faces, religious and cultural representations.
Lo sagrado Femenino – Mónica Salas [World Goddess Day Symposium]
30/08/2017 Duración: 41minLo sagrado Femenino – Lo Sagrado Femenino [World Goddess Day Symposium] The International Goddess Spirituality Seminar (GODDESS SEMINARY) is pleased to invite you to the ON - LINE World Goddess Day Symposium, which will be held on September 3, 2017. More info ON-LINE SYMPOSIUM PRESENTATION The International Symposium on Spirituality of the Goddess is a meeting space where voices and hearts unite to celebrate and reflect on the great Mother, in Her many faces, religious and cultural representations.
La Diosa Viva - Tarwe Hrossdottir [World Goddess Day Symposium]
30/08/2017 Duración: 34minLa Diosa Viva. - Tarwe Hrossdottir [World Goddess Day Symposium] The International Goddess Spirituality Seminar (GODDESS SEMINARY) is pleased to invite you to the ON - LINE World Goddess Day Symposium, which will be held on September 3, 2017. More info ON-LINE SYMPOSIUM PRESENTATION The International Symposium on Spirituality of the Goddess is a meeting space where voices and hearts unite to celebrate and reflect on the great Mother, in Her many faces, religious and cultural representations.
El camino de la rosa – Mónica Glusman [World Goddess Day Symposium]
30/08/2017 Duración: 36minEl camino de la rosa – Mónica Glusman [World Goddess Day Symposium] The International Goddess Spirituality Seminar (GODDESS SEMINARY) is pleased to invite you to the ON - LINE World Goddess Day Symposium, which will be held on September 3, 2017. More info ON-LINE SYMPOSIUM PRESENTATION The International Symposium on Spirituality of the Goddess is a meeting space where voices and hearts unite to celebrate and reflect on the great Mother, in Her many faces, religious and cultural representations.
GODDESS of the LIMINAL Spaces: SHADOW WORK and the WITCH, and the EMPOWERING MEDICINE of the DARK Feminine Principle of
30/08/2017 Duración: 12minGODDESS of the LIMINAL Spaces: SHADOW WORK and the WITCH, and the EMPOWERING MEDICINE of the DARK Feminine Principle of the UNIVERSE – Rosemary Stehlikn[World Goddess Day Symposium] The International Goddess Spirituality Seminar (GODDESS SEMINARY) is pleased to invite you to the ON - LINE World Goddess Day Symposium, which will be held on September 3, 2017. More info ON-LINE SYMPOSIUM PRESENTATION The International Symposium on Spirituality of the Goddess is a meeting space where voices and hearts unite to celebrate and reflect on the great Mother, in Her many faces, religious and cultural representations.
SULIS AND COVENTINA: Guardians of the Sacred Healing Waters – Ness Bosch [World Goddess Day Symposium]
30/08/2017 Duración: 12minSULIS AND COVENTINA: Guardians of the Sacred Healing Waters – Ness Bosch [World Goddess Day Symposium] The International Goddess Spirituality Seminar (GODDESS SEMINARY) is pleased to invite you to the ON - LINE World Goddess Day Symposium, which will be held on September 3, 2017. More info ON-LINE SYMPOSIUM PRESENTATION The International Symposium on Spirituality of the Goddess is a meeting space where voices and hearts unite to celebrate and reflect on the great Mother, in Her many faces, religious and cultural representations.
The Goddess alive - Tarwe Hrossdottir [World Goddess Day Symposium]
30/08/2017 Duración: 19minThe Goddess alive - Tarwe Hrossdottir [World Goddess Day Symposium] The International Goddess Spirituality Seminar (GODDESS SEMINARY) is pleased to invite you to the ON - LINE World Goddess Day Symposium, which will be held on September 3, 2017. More info ON-LINE SYMPOSIUM PRESENTATION The International Symposium on Spirituality of the Goddess is a meeting space where voices and hearts unite to celebrate and reflect on the great Mother, in Her many faces, religious and cultural representations.
El espíritu de las aguas calmas - Ness Bosch [World Goddess Day Symposium]
30/08/2017 Duración: 22minEl espíritu de las aguas calmas - Ness Bosch [World Goddess Day Symposium] The International Goddess Spirituality Seminar (GODDESS SEMINARY) is pleased to invite you to the ON - LINE World Goddess Day Symposium, which will be held on September 3, 2017. More info ON-LINE SYMPOSIUM PRESENTATION The International Symposium on Spirituality of the Goddess is a meeting space where voices and hearts unite to celebrate and reflect on the great Mother, in Her many faces, religious and cultural representations.