Welcome to The Greed for Ilm Podcast. This podcast is aimed at subjects that are normally, and purposely, ignored by the mainstream media. From interviews with authors, investigative journalists, to current events, this podcast will shed light on issues that matter. Help promote peace by promoting knowledge and education! Follow us on Twitter @greedforilm
EP 206 – Heraa Hashmi
30/04/2017 Duración: 34minThis interview is with dedicated Muslimah, Heraa Hashmi. She is a 19 year old Colorado college student, who had an encounter with her classmate during a group project. Her classmate asked, "why do Muslims not condemn terrorism?" That simple question was part of a myraid of questions / comments that had propelled her to find evidence that Muslims are "in fact" condemning acts of terror. That night at home, Heraa started to do some "googling" and soon compiled a list of Muslims, a huge focus was on American Muslims, condemning terrorism. Over the next few weeks, that list grew to over 700 pages. At the suggestion of a friend, she tweeted out her work..and as they say, "the rest is history." Some Links and Topics Mentioned In This Episode Muslims Condemn (Website) @CaveHeraa Buzzfeed article Huffington Post article The Guardian article 2 Awesome Ways to Support Greed for Ilm 1. If you shop on Amazon (who doesn't), click here and make your purchases. Amazon kicks back a fraction of your total to me for referr
EP 205 – Ranya Shbeib
28/04/2017 Duración: 58minThis episode, I am joined by Ranya Shbeib, co-founder of Muslim Foster Care Association. True modern-day heros, Ranya Shbeib and Sameena Zahoor founded Muslim Foster Care Association to provide a support network for Muslim foster parents, educate the Muslim community about other opportunities to support foster families and foster kids (i.e. mentoring, tutoring, social work), and most importantly raise awareness about the growing number of Muslim children in the foster care system. Some Links and Topics Mentioned In This Episode Muslim Foster Care Association (Website) Facebook Page Domestic Foster Care vs Refugee Foster Care Ranya Shbeib - Panel I: Voices from the Field - IIIT-FCNA Fiqh Forum on Adoption and Orphan Care How do you become “licensed” as a foster parent? Ways to help besides becoming licensed Biggest challenge as a foster family Muslim community reaction Omar Suleiman - Adoption & Foster Care Seminar 2 Awesome Ways to Support Greed for Ilm 1. If you shop on Amazon (who doesn't), click he
EP 204 – Dr. Meraj Mohiuddin
23/04/2017 Duración: 01h31minI am joined by Dr. Meraj Mohiuddin, an American Muslim. Educated in the United States and longing to find an intimate book in English on the life of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), Dr. Meraj, an American physician dedicated himself for 13 years to complete his book, Revelation. In this conversation, he shares the inspiration behind his quest for learning more about the Prophet and his hope of increasing even more love for the Prophet (pbuh) in others. To gain a stronger understanding of the Quran, we must first learn as much as possible about he who was the "embodiment" of the Quran. Our beloved, Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). Some Links and Topics Mentioned In This Episode Mecca Books (Website) Revelation Website Facebook Page Twitter The length of time used to compose Revelation The goal behind Revelation What sets his book apart from other Sirah books? 2 Awesome Ways to Support Greed for Ilm 1. If you shop on Amazon (who doesn't), click here and make your purchases. Amazon kicks back a fraction of your total to
EP 203 – Hadi Shakuur, Co-Founder of Muzbnb
02/04/2017 Duración: 26minI am joined by Hadi Shakuur, Co-Founder and CEO of He shares his background, and the reason behind starting a "Muslim Airbnb." Muzbnb offers a platform for Muslim hosts and travelers to keep their hard-earned money within the community, build and expand our social network as well as provide piece of mind when traveling. Our younger generation will thank us for providing a great service like Muzbnb. Some Links and Topics Mentioned In This Episode Muzbnb (Website) @Muzbnb (Twitter) Facebook Page 220$ Billion by 2020? 2 Awesome Ways to Support Greed for Ilm 1. If you shop on Amazon (who doesn't), click here and make your purchases. Amazon kicks back a fraction of your total to me for referring traffic there way. 2. If you have an iTunes account, I'd truly appreciate if you left a rating and/or review for this podcast. Click here to do so. Thank you so much for listening!
EP 201 – Tarek El-Messidi
15/03/2017 Duración: 53minTarek El-Messidi, Founder of CelebrateMercy, joins me this episode to talk about his background, what sparked Celebrate Mercy, and the great work they are doing to battle not only Islamophobia, but anti-Semitism as well. Tarek's Launchgood campaign to raise money for the vandalized jewish cemeterires, Tarek is showing people that Muslims can/do come together to support people in need regardless of their religion, race, color, etc. That is our Islamic duty. I hope you enjoy listening to this episode as much as I enjoyed recording it. Some Links and Topics Mentioned In This Episode Celebrate Mercy (Website) @CelebrateMercy (Twitter) Facebook Page Launchgood Campaign Rihla 2 Awesome Ways to Support Greed for Ilm 1. If you shop on Amazon (who doesn't), click here and make your purchases. Amazon kicks back a fraction of your total to me for referring traffic there way. 2. If you have an iTunes account, I'd truly appreciate if you left a rating and/or review for this podcast. Click here to do so. Thank you so m
EP 199 – Hena Khan
14/03/2017 Duración: 36minAmerican Muslim and Children’s Author Hena Khan joins me to talk about her newest book, “Amina’s Voice.” I am very excited to have her back on the podcast to talk about her book, the long and arduous writing process, what she would like readers to take away from the book and more. Some Links and Topics... The post EP 199 – Hena Khan appeared first on Greed for Ilm.
EP 198 – Nutritionist Nour Zibdeh Talks About the Gut
12/03/2017 Duración: 01h07minRegistered dietitian nutritionist Nour Zibdeh joins me this episode to talk about the gut. I think the gut is one of the most overlooked organs in the body, but at the same time one of the most crucial. Nour joins me this episode to dive deep into what the gut is, what role it plays... The post EP 198 – Nutritionist Nour Zibdeh Talks About the Gut appeared first on Greed for Ilm.
EP 197 – Hunter Maats
12/02/2017 Duración: 01h37minHunter Maats, co-host of the Mixed Mental Arts podcast, joins me to talk about what athiests and members of ISIS have in common. Hunter was a guest on the Joe Rogan Experience podcast and stirred up controversy when he likened Sam Harris and his “new atheist” followers to Baghadadi and his ISIS followers. I’m glad... The post EP 197 – Hunter Maats appeared first on Greed for Ilm.
EP 195 – Listener Emails, Part 5
11/12/2016 Duración: 12minThis episode I continue the Listener Emails with part 5. I share a follow up email from Listener Emails part 4, a letter I received from a listener with GREAT news, and some kind words from Europe! Want to be on the podcast? I keep all senders, and their location, anonymous so don’t worry. If... The post EP 195 – Listener Emails, Part 5 appeared first on Greed for Ilm.
EP 194 – Dr Abdul El Sayed
04/12/2016 Duración: 42minThis episode I am joined by Dr Abdul El Sayed. Dr. El Sayed is Executive Director & Health Officer, Detroit Health Department, City of Detroit. We talk about a wide range of topics including his background, education, what inspired him to get into local government, the Flint water crisis and more. Some Links and Topics... The post EP 194 – Dr Abdul El Sayed appeared first on Greed for Ilm.
EP 193 – MMA Fighter Bashir Ahmad
27/11/2016 Duración: 37minThis episode I have the “God father of MMA Pakistan”, brother Bashir Ahmad. Bashir shares his wild journey into becoming a Mixed Martial Artist. Some Links and Topics Mentioned In This Episode Bashir Ahmad Facebook Twitter CTE (brain damage) His time spent in Thailand His two gyms in Pakistan You can listen to more episodes here. The post EP 193 – MMA Fighter Bashir Ahmad appeared first on Greed for Ilm.
EP 192 – I’m Baaaaack
20/11/2016 Duración: 16minThis episode is my first episode back after a LONG hiatus! I want to dedicate this episode to explaining where I’ve been over the past year and what I’ve been busy doing. More episodes to come soon inshallah! I appreciate all the emails, tweets, letters I received. It’s truly humbling. Thanks again and I’m looking... The post EP 192 – I’m Baaaaack appeared first on Greed for Ilm.
EP 191 – Listener Emails, Part 4
17/07/2016 Duración: 40minThis episode I continue the “Listener Emails” series and read a handful of emails sent in by listeners of this podcast. It’s an interesting batch of emails this time around. A catholic from Jordan, a convert in England to an Australian Muslim mother who’s worried about her sons. Oh! There’s a father and son team... The post EP 191 – Listener Emails, Part 4 appeared first on Greed for Ilm.
EP 190 – Kristiane Backer
19/06/2016 Duración: 59minThis episode I am back with TV presenter, journalist and author sister Kristiane Backer. She is author of a book called, “From MTV to Mecca” which chronicles her journey to Islam. Back in the 80’s and 90’s, MTV was the “one stop shop” if for musicians, pop stars, celebrities, etc. Kristiane joins me to talk about... The post EP 190 – Kristiane Backer appeared first on Greed for Ilm.
EP 189 – Muslims becoming Mormons
10/04/2016 Duración: 17minI recently came back from a “fact finding mission” to Utah. Utah is known as the “Mormon State” and I thought it would be neat to visit for a few days and meet as many Muslims as I can. I share my experiences this episode and talk about a very sad fact that Muslims face... The post EP 189 – Muslims becoming Mormons appeared first on Greed for Ilm.
EP 188 – Rafiq and Friends
03/04/2016 Duración: 34minFounder of Rafiq and Friends sister Fatehmeh Mashouf joins me to talk about Rafiq and Friends and the importance of teaching our children religious and cultural identity. Fatemeh Mashouf is a litigation attorney living in Los Angeles, California. Before law school, Fatemeh got her undergraduate degree from the University of California, San Diego, with a... The post EP 188 – Rafiq and Friends appeared first on Greed for Ilm.
EP 187 – Listener Emails, Part 3
27/03/2016 Duración: 15minThis episode I continue the “Listener Emails” series and read a handful of emails sent in by listeners of this podcast. I keep all senders, and their location, anonymous so don’t worry. If you would like me to read your email in the next episode of “Listener Emails”, send your email to: or send it via... The post EP 187 – Listener Emails, Part 3 appeared first on Greed for Ilm.
EP 186 – Zainab Ismail
20/03/2016 Duración: 42minZainab Ismail is a movement therapist, nutritionist and trainer. She has over 20 years of experience in the industry. One thing she does that intrigued me the most is provide her expertise to the Muslim community on a pro-bono basis. She loves to give back. This episode we talk about her background, her awesome DVD collection,... The post EP 186 – Zainab Ismail appeared first on Greed for Ilm.
EP 185 – Listener Emails, Part 2
13/03/2016 Duración: 10minThis episode I continue the “Listener Emails” series and read a handful of emails sent in by listeners of this podcast. I keep all senders, and their location, anonymous so don’t worry. If you would like me to read your email in the next episode of “Listener Emails”, send your email to: or send it via... The post EP 185 – Listener Emails, Part 2 appeared first on Greed for Ilm.
EP 184 – Dr Mohamed Ghilan
06/03/2016 Duración: 01h31minI’m extremely honored to have Dr Mohamed Ghilan back on the podcast. We start by talking about his recent endeavor into podcasting and lessons he’s learned so far. I have always advocated that more Muslims should start a podcast and to see someone like Dr Ghilan start a podcast really makes me happy. Please subscribe... The post EP 184 – Dr Mohamed Ghilan appeared first on Greed for Ilm.