Mothering can be an inspired journey to our most glittering, authentic, passionate, creative and connected selves. Through the mirror offered to us by our children, we are taken to every hurt, unmet need, and also every joy and excitement weve ever experienced. We want every woman and mother to give themselves and those around them the compassion, love and healing they so readily offer their children, but rarely allow themselves. Journey with us as we discuss the many layers of being a mother today, where we have come from and where we want to go. Learn tools to connect with yourself, offer compassion to those parts wed rather deny and get back in love with yourself, motherhood and who you are as a feminine woman.
NTM 322: Radical self compassion in a changing world with Meg Berryman
23/08/2021 Duración: 01h10minWhat can the regenerative wisdom of nature reveal to us on how to live, love and lead well during these times? What does it look like to bring gentleness to your own unbecoming, as you renegotiate roles, identities, and your vision for yourself and your family? In this episode, Bridget explores these questions and more Listen InThe post NTM 322: Radical self compassion in a changing world with Meg Berryman appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
NTM 321: How do we roll with lockdowns? Part 2
16/08/2021 Duración: 27minAs we record this podcast, 60% of Australia is in lockdown, with suggestions we need to accept them as our ‘new normal’. As mothers, how do we navigate the myriad challenges that go with it, such as remote learning, relationship friction, event and holiday cancellations and financial stress? How can we find opportunity in what Listen InThe post NTM 321: How do we roll with lockdowns? Part 2 appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
NTM 320: How do we roll with lockdowns? Part 1
09/08/2021 Duración: 38minAs we record this podcast 60% of Australia is in lockdown, with suggestions we need to accept them as our ‘new normal’. As mothers, how do we navigate the myriad challenges that go with it, such as remote learning, relationship friction, event and holiday cancellations and financial stress? How can we find opportunity in what Listen InThe post NTM 320: How do we roll with lockdowns? Part 1 appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
NTM 319: Relationship taboos series – Integrating sex and motherhood
03/08/2021 Duración: 01h10minIn a culture that continues to perpetuate the Madonna-Whore split, how do we self-actualise our sexuality and motherhood at the same time? How do we intermingle the lactating, bed-sharing, touched-out mother with the sovereign, sexual woman? In this episode we talk about actively prioritising your sexual self, rather than waiting for it to ‘happen when Listen InThe post NTM 319: Relationship taboos series – Integrating sex and motherhood appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
NTM 318: Open and alternative relationships with Dasha Clarke
26/07/2021 Duración: 01h02minIn this conversational insight into one woman’s story on opening her relationship and navigating the highs and lows of that journey, we explore what open relating can be and bring you and your partner. Discussions include: what it can look like changing the relationship structure with kids sharing desires and authenticity navigating heartbreak and disconnection Listen InThe post NTM 318: Open and alternative relationships with Dasha Clarke appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
NTM 317: Parenting together through imprints and wounds with Lael Stone
19/07/2021 Duración: 01h04minWhen we become parents, we learn to raise not only our children, but parts of ourselves…which can get tricky! We can end up playing the ‘who’s doing it tougher’ game, projecting anger and resentment towards our partner and generally missing each other on this parenting journey. So what does it look like to open a Listen InThe post NTM 317: Parenting together through imprints and wounds with Lael Stone appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
NTM 316: Relationship Taboos series – INFIDELITY – with Rachel McKenzie
12/07/2021 Duración: 01h17minWhat do you do once you find out infidelity is now part of your relationship? In this rich, raw and vulnerable conversation, we speak with Rachel Mckenzie on her experience of infidelity in a long term relationship, navigating the deep hurt, confusion, depression and heart ache that is understanding, healing and moving beyond infidelity. We Listen InThe post NTM 316: Relationship Taboos series – INFIDELITY – with Rachel McKenzie appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
NTM 315: The isolation and loneliness of motherhood is real – Part 2
05/07/2021 Duración: 48minIn this episode we explore the reality of what isolation and loneliness can look like in motherhood, the importance of being seen where we’re at and in choosing how we nourish ourselves. In a society that doesn’t validate motherhood or see mothers in the daily grind and mental load that is modern motherhood, it’s important Listen InThe post NTM 315: The isolation and loneliness of motherhood is real – Part 2 appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
NTM 314: The isolation and loneliness of motherhood is real – Part 1
28/06/2021 Duración: 35minIn this episode we explore the reality of what isolation and loneliness can look like in motherhood, the importance of being seen where we’re at and in choosing how we nourish ourselves. In a society that doesn’t validate motherhood or see mothers in the daily grind and mental load that is modern motherhood, it’s important Listen InThe post NTM 314: The isolation and loneliness of motherhood is real – Part 1 appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
NTM 313: The body love review
22/06/2021 Duración: 45minHow is your relationship with your body, after our 6 week Body Love series? In this episode we recap with our own personal takeaways from each of the 6 episodes, including: Bodyimage in the bedroom with Bonnie Bliss Rewriting our relationship with food with Charmaine Newmark Training the postpartum bodywith Chloe Anne BodyPositive parenting with Cliona Burn Lovingthe skin you’re in with Listen InThe post NTM 313: The body love review appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
NTM 312: Loving your body through your fertility journey with The Conception Psychologist, Cath Corcoran
14/06/2021 Duración: 01h10sThe fertility journey can be a deeply emotional rollercoaster of heartache and longing. In this episode, Fertility Psychologist Cath Corcoran opens up the discussion on what it is to build hope and trust amidst an experience of resentment, betrayal, disconnection and struggle. Topics we discuss include: Anger at your body not working Building gratitude for where Listen InThe post NTM 312: Loving your body through your fertility journey with The Conception Psychologist, Cath Corcoran appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
NTM 311: Loving the skin you’re in with Naturopathic Skin Specialist Sallie Roberts
07/06/2021 Duración: 01h06minWhat we repress, our skin tends to express, so what are the stories your skin is revealing? How can we better understand and care for this, the largest organ of our body? In this episode, through honest conversation and expert insight, we learn about problem skin, hormone levels, environmental pollutants and our skin, and how Listen InThe post NTM 311: Loving the skin you’re in with Naturopathic Skin Specialist Sallie Roberts appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
NTM 310: Body positive parenting with Cliona Byrne
31/05/2021 Duración: 50minBody confident kids are raised by parents who have a strong sense of body image and body-positive language…but how do you do this in a social, media and family culture with such strong body-shame messaging? In this episode, we talk with Body Positive parenting coach Cliona Byrne on how you can create a body-positive environment Listen InThe post NTM 310: Body positive parenting with Cliona Byrne appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
NTM 309: Defying the bounce-back postpartum body with Chloe Anne – Embodied Leader, Personal Trainer and mother of two
25/05/2021 Duración: 01h59sWhen our cultural message is so deeply ingrained, how do we step out of that and be what our body really needs? In this episode, we interview postpartum specialist and personal trainer, Chloe Anne, on rehabilitation and restoration post-birth and how we can shift the paradigm from disconnected external measures of body-image to connected, nourishing and Listen InThe post NTM 309: Defying the bounce-back postpartum body with Chloe Anne – Embodied Leader, Personal Trainer and mother of two appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
NTM 308: Rewriting our relationship with food with Charmaine Newmark, The Nourished Naturopath
17/05/2021 Duración: 01h03minHow much is the relationship you have with food, reflective of the relationship you have with life? And if you extrapolate out the conditional love you offer yourself when it comes to your body and/or food, where else might this conditional love be appearing? In this juicy conversation with The Nourished Naturopath, Charmaine Newmark, we Listen InThe post NTM 308: Rewriting our relationship with food with Charmaine Newmark, The Nourished Naturopath appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
NTM 307: Body image in the bedroom with Somatic sexologist Bonnie Bliss
10/05/2021 Duración: 57minHow do we love and feel sexually alive in our body, when it’s very different to how it used to be? What do we do with the stories and shame we may find ourselves circling through? What if your body could be an instrument of worthiness? What if instead of looking at our bodies and Listen InThe post NTM 307: Body image in the bedroom with Somatic sexologist Bonnie Bliss appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
NTM 306: The stories our bodies could tell
04/05/2021 Duración: 58minWe desire to love more of our body as a result of the voids we have on loving it. What does that look like, and what have been the paths charted on loving more of our bodies for Bridget and Julie? Let’s dive in to all the rich conversations and vulnerable places on body image, Listen InThe post NTM 306: The stories our bodies could tell appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
NTM 305: Finding my boundaries early and gently vs late and angry
27/04/2021 Duración: 31minIt’s the modern mothers’ affliction; yelling. How do we find ourselves here and what can we put in place to create more ease and flow? How do we find our gentle and early with our boundaries self vs feeling resentful and protective of what’s been overtrodden? It’s a great conversation that could just change your Listen InThe post NTM 305: Finding my boundaries early and gently vs late and angry appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
NTM 304: Creating community and finding your peeps
19/04/2021 Duración: 41minThe topic we’re emailed about the most! ‘How do I find my community?’…what if you’re projections are what’s in the way and moving towards your hearts yearning is the answer? In this episode we discuss what it means to create your community and find the people who light you up and bring you alive in Listen InThe post NTM 304: Creating community and finding your peeps appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
NTM 303: Do I shrink + stay safe or do I expand and speak my truth?
13/04/2021 Duración: 41minWe can find ourselves addicted to support when in the face or challenge and addicted to drama when it brings us connection. So what do you do to ‘conscious yourself’ out of these conundrums? In this episode we explore through story what it means to expand your thinking beyond what’s habituated and how you can Listen InThe post NTM 303: Do I shrink + stay safe or do I expand and speak my truth? appeared first on The Wellness Couch.