Mothering can be an inspired journey to our most glittering, authentic, passionate, creative and connected selves. Through the mirror offered to us by our children, we are taken to every hurt, unmet need, and also every joy and excitement weve ever experienced. We want every woman and mother to give themselves and those around them the compassion, love and healing they so readily offer their children, but rarely allow themselves. Journey with us as we discuss the many layers of being a mother today, where we have come from and where we want to go. Learn tools to connect with yourself, offer compassion to those parts wed rather deny and get back in love with yourself, motherhood and who you are as a feminine woman.
NTM 441: ‘Is Santa real’ 2.0
04/12/2023 Duración: 33minFive years on from our first episode on this topic (episode 180) we revisit where our families are at and how we view the concept of lying and Santa. We hope this conversation closes some loops, opens some others, and gives you great conversation starters to decide how you want to do this with your family.In this this episode we discuss:Being the keeper of the magicThe responsibility that comes with knowingOur children moving to being *part* of the creation of magicConversations on sharing this knowledge with siblingsEventually the lie comes undoneAllowing kids to make their own narrativeAsking ‘what do you think?’Weaponising Santa and the ElfSanta threats coming from a place of desperation when you’re feeling threatenedThe defining factor on whether your child learning the truth is shattering or hurtful, rests on the degree to which you’ve used Santa as a tool for control and coercion.Considering the transition to knowing the truth, as a growth point in their relationship skills, by considering the needs and
NTM 440: Ditch feeling overwhelmed at Christmas & cruise into calm
27/11/2023 Duración: 29minIt’s a season when increasing intensity in your outer world can have you feeling increasing intensity in your inner world, and you can quickly become overstimulated and overwhelmed. How do you create a calm and spacious Christmas without saying ’No’ to everything? It starts with being really kind to yourself and your nervous system, so let us walk you through it.In this episode we discuss:Recognising your limits and your needsKnowing your capacity and how to support yourself during your dayBeing quieter, gentler and softer with yourselfRecognising what social boundaries you need so you don’t feel wiped out and resentfulHolding a level of attunement to your kids social batteriesKnowing how to navigate your day so that everyone’s social batteries are includedRecognising the ‘not in your body, sped up’ feelingHaving foresight that creates your calmFlexible and nourishing schedulesLiteracy of the needs of the family unitLet go the Hallmark ‘perfect family’ together at Christmas eventsSay ‘Yes’ to lightnessThe tem
NTM 439: Parenting neurodivergence: Don’t forget that *you* matter too
20/11/2023 Duración: 33minParenting neurodivergent children is a constant process of acknowledging ourselves and learning to see ourselves within a culture that fusses solely on that child. We can find ourselves cycling in grief, despair, despondency and complete exhaustion, so this podcast is more a conversation highlighting that your struggle is real AND you need supporting too.In this episode we discuss:The collective undervaluing of care workThe patriarchal motherhood construct that you should meet your child and have a never-ending wellspring of capacityInternalising the idea that you’re supposed to show up regardless of the cost to your own wellbeingFeeling undermined, judged, minimised and isolated as a motherThe unseen and invisible work of how parenting neurodivergent children can impact your careerMoving beyond ‘I’ve just got to parent better’Services that cancel out the experience of the mother and the coupleFeeling like you don’t get to be who you are because of the huge needs of your childFearing the railroading of your d
NTM 438: 3 easy action steps to sibling harmony
13/11/2023 Duración: 28minSibling conflict can feel really hard to hold, which it is - until you learn to move beyond the victim/perpetrator mindset. Understanding how to create harmony with something that feels intense in your body, begins with understanding why it’s hard.In this episode we discuss:Our first experiences of growing up with someone like usLearning through siblings; sameness, difference, pain and connectionHow you relate to your sibling as an adult, and your parent’s input into thatKnow your story and your expectationsGet curious about how *you* are with conflictKnow what immediately activates you and consider why it’s hard for youKnow what it’s like to feel connected to the truest youRecalibrating from the intensity of your nervous system responseCreating an environment where everyone gets heard and tension dissolvesTo explore feminine embodiment, intimacy and relationship in Honey Club with Julie, visit explore conscious parenting and inspiring motherhood in Reimagining Motherhood with Brid
NTM 437: Two easy steps to release yourself from mother guilt
06/11/2023 Duración: 26minMother guilt is often synonymous with motherhood. But have you ever stopped to wonder why it’s here, and why it has such a grip on you? In this episode we’re going to walk you through getting self-curious on why you’re doing it, and what you’re using it for. In this episode we discuss:- The eternal game of ‘whack-a-mole’ with guilt- Getting curious with why you carry guilt- Getting curious with what you do with guilt as a strategy - Recognising your guilt patterns - Measuring yourself to a fantasy- Using guilt as a strategy to avoid anger- Using guilt as a punishment strategy to keep you ‘toeing a line’ - Using guilt as a way to stay in control- Looking for a more solid self that maybe doesn’t want to be doing ‘the thing’ anymore - Giving yourself permission to claim more space - Restructuring family life when you change your identity - Healthy escapism for regulation vs escapism for avoidance - Recognising if you have a skill gap versus not wanting to do that anymoreTo explore feminine embodiment, intimacy
NTM 436: Freeing yourself from the motherhood/work conflict trap
01/11/2023 Duración: 39minBelieving that your motherhood and work are in conflict keeps you cut off from your own power and prevents you from creating a deeply fulfilling life. It’s time to change that; let’s talk about how!In this episode we discuss:- Feeling controlled by your work and kids - Increasing your response-ability - Sometimes it’s not a parenting issue or upskill need- Getting self-boundaried with your time and capacity across your life - Having a vision that’s bigger than you - We don’t want the daily needs/demands to become us - Creating meaningful and inspiring links in your day to day life - Getting quick hits of inspiration - Creating the most fulfilling life you can in any season of motherhood - Recognising how your motherhood feeds your work and your work feeds your motherhoodTo explore feminine embodiment, intimacy and relationship in Honey Club with Julie, visit explore conscious parenting and inspiring motherhood in Reimagining Motherhood with Bridget, visit
NTM 435: The do’s and don’t’s of pitching a business like ours
23/10/2023 Duración: 32minHow you WRITE a pitch will make or break your business success with collaborations and sponsorships. We receive hundreds of pitches every year and we say ‘no’ to the majority of them, because they’re just no good! Conversely, whenever we as a brand have pitched, we’ve had a 99% success rate. Why? Because we’ve learn how to pitch perfectly. Come learn how with us!To explore feminine embodiment, intimacy and relationship in Honey Club with Julie, visit explore conscious parenting and inspiring motherhood in Reimagining Motherhood with Bridget, visit
NTM 434: Is striving to be a “good mother” running you into the ground?
16/10/2023 Duración: 20minMotherhood can be synonymous with exhaustion, depletion, and ignoring your own needs. But have you ever stopped to ponder why? What if this isn’t ‘just how it is’ but something a little deeper?In this episode we explore four key points you’ll want to explore if you’re finding yourself here!To explore feminine embodiment, intimacy and relationship in Honey Club with Julie, visit explore conscious parenting and inspiring motherhood in Reimagining Motherhood with Bridget, visit
NTM 433: Healing the Seductress: Reconnect with your sovereign sexuality and heal your relationship with your body
10/10/2023 Duración: 01h01minNo woman is born a sex goddess! It is a process of gentle learning, unlearning and holding a willingness and curiosity to explore beyond what you currently know to be true about you, your body and your relationship.In this episode Julie leads an exploration of healing your relationship with your body and your seductive, sexual self, by taking your safety, your boundaries and your guiding intuition with you. We share some story medicine and look at the places we close with more love and light.If you’d like to join HEALING THE SEDUCTRESS course, running live this week, you can with a special NTM Podcast listener special: Apply NTMLOVE at checkout to receive 40% OFF!Find out more at julietenner.loveTo explore feminine embodiment, intimacy and relationship in Honey Club with Julie, visit explore conscious parenting and inspiring motherhood in Reimagining Motherhood with Bridget, visit
NTM 432: Allowing space for your feelings on birthdays
03/10/2023 Duración: 32minDo you feel weepy and sad with no understanding of why on birthdays? Do you wrestle with ‘Is this day for me?’ versus meeting the needs of others? Then this podcast is for you. Birthdays can hold echoes of how we ourselves were birthed, and birthed our own children.When we pause and take a moment to honour what we traversed and ask ourselves a couple of insightful questions, we can find ourselves entirely shifting our way of being with birthdays.To explore feminine embodiment, intimacy and relationship in Honey Club with Julie, visit explore conscious parenting and inspiring motherhood in Reimagining Motherhood with Bridget, visit
NTM 431: What conscious parenting of teens really looks like
25/09/2023 Duración: 42minLike a phoenix rising from the ashes, we share in Julie’s latest trauma-to-healing evolution in parenting her teens. Through rich storytelling, we explore three key themes all mothers are wise to consider when parenting teens:Leadership in a family system is fluidSafety for your child means the right to say no and be able to rally against youHealing looks like excavation and deconstruction, tooTo explore feminine embodiment, intimacy and relationship in Honey Club with Julie, visit explore conscious parenting and inspiring motherhood in Reimagining Motherhood with Bridget, visit
NTM 430: Anger, rage and getting wild in your motherhood
18/09/2023 Duración: 39minFeeling wild feelings like rage and explosive anger often happen when we’re caught in the tension between fully supporting ourselves, and supporting our child. Triggers, like school refusal, can have us not even recognising ourselves.Through storytelling and rich conversation, we toss around the experience of feeling like love has turned upside down, and what’s left is visceral rage, hate and the desire to devour.In this episode we discuss:The terror we feel with our angerThe terror we perceive others have about our angerThe systemic impact on mother rageWhen feelings feel to big for us and our kidsAvoiding your own shame collapseOverperformance powered by your guiltConsidering why this is so hard for you right now, and why you’re holding on so tightlyWhen your rage is in opposition to the identity of the ‘good mother’To explore feminine embodiment, intimacy and relationship in Honey Club with Julie, visit explore conscious parenting and inspiring motherhood in Reimagining Motherho
NTM 429: Ways to self nourish on any budget
11/09/2023 Duración: 31minIn motherhood it’s easy to be pulled into what the world, and your kids, need from you. It’s a fast road to withering, and resentment if you don’t take the time to put back into you. In this podcast, we’re moving past any financial blocks and barriers, to make it so doable, you can action it right away! We give you ideas across four budgets from 0 to $1000+ so you can go get your self-nourishment.To explore feminine embodiment, intimacy and relationship in Honey Club with Julie, visit explore conscious parenting and inspiring motherhood in Reimagining Motherhood with Bridget, visit
NTM 428: Parenting gets hard when you take their behaviour personally…3 steps to liberate yourself from the emotional tension
04/09/2023 Duración: 36minDo you ever go ‘0-100’ but you don’t know what happened?! Well, we kind of think you always burn your first pancake (first child/first moment you meet anything new), so let’s talk about how you grow beyond burning your batch of pancakes.In this episode we discuss:Holding compassion for yourself the first time you meet anythingHolding grace for growth; yours and your child’s‘The more I hold on, the more they push back’…healthy individuation is rebellionBeing cast as the villain is vitalReturning to your own wellbeing as the first stepWhat can you humble yourself to; the call to shift your identityGetting wobbly when we feel alone in parentingHolding your own space bubbleShowing up as the highest version of you, irrespective of other peopleTo explore feminine embodiment, intimacy and relationship in Honey Club with Julie, visit explore conscious parenting and inspiring motherhood in Reimagining Motherhood with Bridget, visit
NTM 427: 3 mantras to save you from the sting of taking things personally
01/09/2023 Duración: 44minTaking things personally looks like a disproportionate emotional reaction to a fairly innocuous situation, where you feel very emotionally activated, and your thoughts around it are all-consuming, and exhausting!Mantras are a pathway to choice, power and re-programming your habitual reaction, so let’s give you three to get you going.In this episode we discuss:- Our response and responsibility is about us, though in this situation we tend to make it about them- Handing over authority to our emotional self and how destructive this can be- Our responsibility to balance our emotional freedom- Recognising our patterns or pitfalls that are on repeat from childhood- You have to believe differently before you can act differently- We can’t meet another until we can feel *them* beyond our own emotional storm- Knowing your dominant activation response; fight, flight, freeze, fawn- The self-responsibility of holding boundaries- Can you hold relationship and differenceTo explore feminine embodiment, intimacy and relations
NTM 426: How to lead yourself out of a funk
21/08/2023 Duración: 29minSick of negotiating your life like some sort of tetris game? Going through the motions but not really “feeling it”? In this episode we give you three super tangible steps to lead yourself out of a funk and back into enjoying your life again.In this episode we discuss:Breaking down the chains of patriarchy and colonialismRecognising where we’re gaslighting ourselvesNoticing where we’re stagnating and not living up to our potentialPracticing holding intensity to grow our lives beyond our comfort zoneFinding meaning and inspiration to fulfill your needsRemembering that constant service crowds out your creativityCollecting ‘badges’ as a measure of being a ‘good mother’Recognising what’s aligned with your interests versus what’s you dragging your feet?Noticing your conditioning so you can decide the beliefs driving your behaviour are fully yours, or notRecognising the difference between leading yourself, and being lead, through your dayTo explore feminine embodiment, intimacy and relationship in Honey Club with Ju
NTM 425: How do you help your partner change *anything* that you know would be good for them?
14/08/2023 Duración: 43minIt’s difficult to be with the parts of our partner we want to change. We can get caught up in turn-off, disinterest, and resentment…so how do we find our way out, and back towards love and desire?In this episode we discuss:How to decrease the emotional charge, and need to change themRecognising when you’re running in masculine energy and perceptionsWhy we will project our values onto each other in intimate relationshipsRespecting versus railroading your partnerPartners act as a balance to our fantasy selfBeing out of appreciation, or lost in fearPerception as a reflection of us, but our own form is unique to usGetting clear on what you’re making the change meanHealthy discernment versus controlling another because our form is in chaosWhen our focus and values shift, it amplifies our awareness and ‘the problem’ feels biggerHow we bring in comparisons and minimise our partnerThere’s an opportunity cost for everything you wantIf they’re not doing it yet, it’s not important enough to themBuilding and stacking app
NTM 424: When your child doesn’t want to go to school/kinder/care, what can you do for them? (Part 2)
07/08/2023 Duración: 43minThe parental struggle in school refusal is real. But you can only help them as much as you can come at it from a regulated place (see Part 1 podcast). In this conversation we focus on how you can help your child, and why you don’t have to do it alone.In this episode we discuss:- Getting super clear on what they’re struggling with underneath their behaviour - Helping your kids build connections between school and what’s important to them - Noticing all your own noisy narratives that get in the way - Creating more capacity for them to do school, and what they don’t love, by doing more of what they do love- The importance of advocating for you child in any system or institution - Playing the long game in facilitating your child loving their own learning - Holding the knowing that some mornings you’ll choose relationship over ‘should’s’ - The buoyancy you can find when sharing with other women who are going through it - Finding the support structures and professionals who can support you and your childTo explore
NTM 423: When your child doesn’t want to go to school/kinder/care, what can you do for *you*? (Part 1)
31/07/2023 Duración: 47minThe purpose of this podcast is to return you to your own wellbeing and find the meaning in your current struggle and challenge. Some days you can flow and ‘play it out’ and other days you have a reduced capacity “to hold” and you end up hitting big edges of anger. That’s really normal! Let’s dig into how you can meet yourself here. In this episode we discuss:- When their defiance is felt as a threat to your nervous system- Your school conditioning that informs your response- Your ‘good girl’ conditioning that informs your response - Your rigidity masking your fear- Powerful self-inquiry like: what part of me is afraid of that happening to my child? Which is a fear of it already having happened to you- The inner conflict: when your child and your ‘perfect mother’ needs clash - Tuning into the symptoms of your dysregulated child- Considering your own values and needs to be a thriving parentTo explore feminine embodiment, intimacy and relationship in Honey Club with Julie, visit explo
NTM 422: Navigating screen use with confidence
24/07/2023 Duración: 35minSetting up your family rules and boundaries around screen use can feel like a minefield. You can bounce from feeling overpowered by the lure of screens, to resenting them entirely. So in this episode we help you create solid and grounded foundations to build a healthy family culture around screens.In this episode we discuss:Rules can be nuanceddifferent kids can have different rulesForgetting hard and fast rules and moving into connection with where they’re at and what they’re consuming.Tuning into regulation and dysregulationWelcoming disappointment as a valuable life skillHaving family discussions around how you spend time onlineCreating guidelines around the when, where and how of screen useUnderstanding screens’ addictive nature and the dopamine fallout that can happen afterwardsKnowing when to interveneHandling pushbackManaging your own reactionsChecking in with how you feel afterwardsTaking responsibility for when our kids’ screen time is a reprieve or a resentment for usReflecting on whether they have