This Moved Me is a podcast on the art of public speaking for presenters (both amateur and professional) who believe that a good talk can move the world. Through casual conversation with experts in the field like Rob Bell, Vanessa Van Edwards, Nick Morgan, Julian Treasure, Jeff Goins, Michael Margolis and others - This Moved Me shares stories, insights and challenges from speakers who understand both the "art" and the "science" of what makes a good talk good. We end each episode with a THIS MOVED ME moment - sharing some of the creative resources that continue to inspire and inform our work as speakers. Hosted by Sally Koering Zimneya speaker, performer and presentation coach with over 15 years in the fieldThis Moved Me culls the best advice and expertise from the field - because indeed, a good talk CAN move the world.
113: MMM - On Feedback, Part One: Give Them an A!
05/08/2016 Duración: 09minI always ask for feedback on my coaching, speaking and trainings. Partly because I want to be sure that what I'm doing is working and I want to know ways I can get better - but also because I give so much darn feedback it only feels right to offer people a chance to give some to me. And one of the things I hear again and again is that I have a way of giving candid feedback in a loving way. In a way that people appreciate and hear and can learn from. It's one of the highest compliments that I have received in my work, and I appreciate it greatly - not only because it makes me an effective coach, but because that's how I want to do business. I want to help people be better speakers, but I also want to hold people up and celebrate them. I love people. And I want them to FEEL good, as well as do good work. And there was a time when I wondered if you could do both. That's an old paradigm of thinking - and I'm so glad to de-bunk it. You can do both. In fact, I think all things work best when you can do both.
112: Rob Bell - On How Speaking is Spiritual
03/08/2016 Duración: 47minHappy Season 3! This is big, friends. I had the huge honor of having a 45-minute conversation with the amazing Rob Bell. In fact, I call him that so often I think he should just change his name to "the amazing Rob Bell." Here's the technicalities of his impressive bio: Rob Bell is The New York Times bestselling author of Love Wins, What We Talk About When We Talk about God, The Zimzum of Love and his most recent book How To Be Here. iTunes named his podcast, The RobCast, Best of 2015. He’s been profiled in The New Yorker, he’s toured with Oprah on her Life You Want Tour, and in 2011 Time Magazine named him one of the 100 Most Influential People In The World. He has a regular show at Largo, the legendary music and comedy club in West Hollywood and is currently touring his How To Be Here Experience around the world. He and his wife Kristen have three children and live in Los Angeles. [Holy crap, people. Oprah. Time Magazine. Books. And!, he's besties with, like, all my favorite people. I'm sorry, I can't stop g
111: MMM - On a Memorizing Trick
29/06/2016 Duración: 09minIt’s Mini Moved Me day! Today I want to talk with you about a little memorizing trick I use when I’m trying to get the content of my talk to move from my head and really sink into my body.
110: MMM - On Power and Stories and Orlando
22/06/2016 Duración: 06minI wrote this piece over on my This Moved Me Facebook page, and it resonated. I wanted to record this to share with more of you - and to remind us all how powerful our voices are.
109: Margie and Elena - On The Mindset of Innovation
15/06/2016 Duración: 46minMargi Simmons and Elena Imaretska - two brilliant and creative speakers - both call the Brave New Workshop their professional home. The Brave New Workshop is an improv theater that may sound familiar to you because they are famous for being the longest running improv comedy troupe in the country. Super cool, since Margi spent years on that stage. And Elena spent years dancing and performing. They both have respective chops as performers and creative leaders that make them "expert." But they also do this work because they believe something much deeper happens when we take the risk and step out on stage. The skills and mindset and courage that improvisors are challenged to show are the same skills that can help us become great leaders - and, of course, great speakers. So, I got to sit down with them both at the BNW's new amazing space (so, sorry for the echoey sound) - and talk about how we can take the innovative mindset out on stage with us.
108: REBROADCAST - Rita Boersma, On Story Truth
08/06/2016 Duración: 41minRita Boersma has been with me since the beginning. Literally! She was my first guest way back in 2014 - and I thought it was time to bring her back to the forefront. Why? Because Rita is someone who brings her talent and insight so beautifully to her creations that I'm often in awe of what she can do. She is brilliant and funny - as a writer, a speaker, a coach and an improviser. And together, we've made some cool stuff. So if you're new to us here at This Moved Me and haven't gone all the way back to the beginning - enjoy this little gem... the sound system wasn't up to par; the equipment was mediocre; but the conversation was rich. Enjoy!
107: REBROADCAST- Hank Fortener, on Crafting a Talk
01/06/2016 Duración: 37minIn this republication of one of my most popular episodes EVER on This Moved Me, Hank Fortener and I delve into HOW he creates talks week after week with the same kind of passion and intentionality that he brings to each talk. Hank is a talk-crafting master, thanks to the thousands of hours he has spent building and re-building talk after talk. In this slightly longer episode (I just couldn't cut anything!) - Hank shares his insights, ideas and approaches to crafting a talk.
106: Mini Moved Me - On Breaking Down the 4th Wall
25/05/2016 Duración: 18minSo today's Mini Moved Me is all about two very simple ways you can break through that 4th wall and set a tone of connection with your audience. Seek out the people in your audience who can bring the rest with them - and then share something together. For me, for years, it was finding the 7th grade boys who know how to do the worm. They do the worm, we cheer them on, and now we're buddies. Now we have a common connection. And secondly, make sure you get out from the front table and make it your deal to get really curious about the people in the room. Get their advice, find out who they are and what they're thinking. (You will know based on more than just what they say, btw. Their body language will say it all.) Two easy things. I've got a bunch more strategies - but this is supposed to be a "mini" moved me, so we'll have to say them for later. And of course, you can check out the reminders I got from the Rob Bell experience a few weeks ago: Space, Resonance, Wisdom, and Co-Creation.
105: Jared Sherlock - On Amazing Your Audience
18/05/2016 Duración: 50minJared Sherlock - magician, entrepreneur, producer, actor - opened up a magic kit at age 8 and decided that he wanted to be a magician. He went on to study theater and boldly took his magic to the world at a young age. I got to see him in action a year ago at the CSB/SJU RedTalks where he gave an astounding 5-minute talk that AMAZED me. It was full of illusions and "trickery" - and yet, it felt authentic and honest. I wanted to talk about that wonderful paradox, and Man! - Jared lives it. I loved this conversation, and I hope you do, too!
104: MMM - On Surpassing Expectations
11/05/2016 Duración: 11minIf our goal as speakers is to move our audience, then we should be looking for ways to surpass our audience's expectations. On this week's Mini Moved Me, I talk about going beyond the constrictions of our audience's expectations, to surprise and delight them - not just to do something different, but because by doing so we make a difference. But it takes intentionality - time - and creativity. Three things that we all have (even if we feel like we don't.) In other words, there are no excuses for doing the same-old, same-old - except that we didn't take the time to push ourselves and try something new. So, my thought for you today is to use a "Blue Ocean Strategy." Live in a different ocean - get out of the bloody red ocean where everyone else is swimming! - by distinguishing yourself with excellence and a unique approach that is audience-focused. You don't want to freak people out by working too outside their expectations, but we can raise those expectations - and bring them along with us! For example - Get ou
103: Geraldine Buckley - On Telling Stories That Unite
04/05/2016 Duración: 43minGeraldine Buckley - minister, writer, speaker, chaplain... and award-winning storyteller! And wow, can this woman tell a story! She was recommended to me by Bob Tryanski (a guest on the show earlier last year who is himself a storyteller). Geraldine has worked in TV, PR - and then somehow also in a prison - which is what makes her such a fascinating character. I will admit, I didn't get a word in edgewise until about the 10th minute - but that's because I myself was totally taken by her delightful voice and stories. Equal parts wisdom and heart! We delved into some of the big ideas around storytelling - why we do it, how we can discover the stories in our lives, and most importantly - how we can unite through stories.
102 - This Moved Me Round-Up: 100 Episodes of Moving Moments
27/04/2016 Duración: 33min100 Episodes! Triple digits, baby! I honestly didn't think I'd ever make it this far. (You just can't see that far out when you're scrambling to get your content out week in and week out.) But here we are! 100. I couldn't let this moment pass me by without taking some time to reflect and appreciate the journey. And I have to say - I've learned a ton. I've met some incredible people. I've had some brilliant (and some dud) conversations! I've had tech issues; I've found new friends; sometimes I've stumbled and sometimes I've shot out of the starting gates. This show has been a huge part of my life for the last year and a half - and I'm so so so incredibly honored by every single person who has taken the time to find it, share it and be a part of it in big and small ways. My heart is full! Thank you. Love, Sally
101: Brandy Agerbeck - On Shaping Your Talk With Visuals
20/04/2016 Duración: 44minBrandy Agerbeck is a graphic facilitator, speaker and expert on helping people put their ideas into a visual form. I’m not talking about pretty slides (although that matters) – I’m talking about structure, function and form – in visuals. I think this is an area not talked about enough – and yet as an audience member it’s crucial for helping make the leap to understanding that much faster. So I was so excited when one of my loyal listeners Jeffrey suggested that I have Brandy on the show! (Thanks, Jeffrey!) Brandy – you are doing such important work – in such a playful and wonderful way!
100: MMM - On the Speaker Mindset, Part Three
15/04/2016 Duración: 10minIt's part Three! If you haven't yet listened to Part One ("I can't wait to share this with them!") and Part Two ("It is what it is, so I might as well enjoy it.")... Go for it. Because Part Three is all about audience. Luckily, focus has been brought to the audience much more in recent years. But this isn't about creating your content so it's relevant for your audience (which is essential, of course). No - today is about keeping your HEART (and your mind) focused on your audience. Ultimately, this isn't about you; you are simply - and wonderfully - the conduit for the message. So you can let go of the me-me-me worries. No one is thinking of you quite as much as you are. The awesome John Noltner (a guest from Season 1) talks about how he found himself as a speaker by reminding himself that he is simply the messenger. It kept the focus on the right thing - the impact we want to have, on the people who are sitting in front of us. You are there to serve your audience. And that idea should liberate you - free you
099 – Kenya Pope – On Overcoming Our Fear of What’s Possible
13/04/2016 Duración: 42minI have done some writing recently about how important it is to get a handle on our internal mindset before we step out on stage. So it was so wonderful to talk with Kenya Pope – an author, speaker, artist and coach - whose mission is to help heart-centered entrepreneurs make money while they make a difference. To eradicate the “starving” artist notion! That is a worthy cause! And here's what I can tell you about Kenya: she has a beautiful spirit! In our brief time together, we connected through her artistry - her poetry, her singing, her stories. Clearly, Kenya knows how to make an impact. She is unabashedly "woo-woo" - and brings her fascinating and eccentric experience, world view, spirit and love with her in this conversation. It's "woo-woo" - and it's full of life. Enjoy! (A small warning for those who are sensitive about language: Kenya does use some spirited language a few times... nothing shocking (and I love her spirit!), but probs not for the kids' ears. Fair warning!)
098: MMM - On the Speaker Mindset, Part Two
08/04/2016 Duración: 09minLast week in Part One of this series, we talked about the importance of walking into the room to give a talk with the mindset of "I can't wait to share this with them." It's about turning your fear into excitement. And I know it's more complicated than just saying it over and over again in your head, but truly, saying it over and over again in your head helps. Eventually, you convince yourself. (Not unlike those power stances; sometimes we have to trick ourselves into feeling confident.) Today's mindset - part two - is about embracing the live theater aspect to this awesome work. We need the mindset of "It is what it is - so I might as well enjoy it." Improv, anyone? Live theater! Who knows what will go wrong, but you can count on something going wrong, and most of the time it's not the thing we expect. How cool is that?! Sometimes, not cool -but guess what? You can't do a darn thing about it. So - you might as well make the best of it.
097: Michelle Mazur - On Being a Rebel Speaker
06/04/2016 Duración: 44minWhen I had the awesome Michelle Evans on the show a few weeks back, she suggested that I connect with Michelle Mazur, my guest on today’s show. The crazy thing is, I had JUST found Michelle organically and was already in the process of scheduling some time with her! I love this small world. Michelle is a “rebel speaker” and presentation coach – meaning that she bucks the trends that are worth bucking (something I always cheer on). Gotta love that. And, she has a passion for encouraging women speakers on the importance and value of the business side of speaking. She is passionate, savvy and though she takes the business of speaking seriously, she doesn't take herself too seriously - something I appreciate. Let me just point this out right now: Michelle has a Facebook group for speakers that I'm in, and that has been a wonderful way to connect with other speakers who are trying to turn their love of speaking into part of their business. Check it out!
096: MMM - On the Speaker Mindset, Part One
01/04/2016 Duración: 08minSomething that comes up time and time again in my coaching is the idea that this is an emotional journey as much as it is a skill journey. We can learn how to deliver better and differently; we can spend hours upon hours navigating and editing our content until it's lovely and perfect; we can make a killer and beautiful slide deck. But who are we when we step out on "stage"? Let me be clear: I am not a psychologist. Not even close. But I often help people with all the baggage that comes with us up on stage. And we do indeed bring all our baggage with us up on stage and into rehearsals! Fears, assumptions, myths, old adages and leftover 7th grade scars. Yay! It's all a part of us! Aside from doing the hard work of dealing with all of that - some of which is beyond my scope as an armchair psychologist/presentation coach, of course - Well, we can do our best to control the incredibly powerful thoughts that come into our minds.
095: Oscar Santolalla - On Giving a Killer Technical Presentation
30/03/2016 Duración: 31minOscar is a fellow in this band of presentation podcast fellows, which includes many wonderful people (see also: Lea Pica)! We support each other. So, when Oscar let me know that he’s starting a crowd-funding campaign for his next book called “Giving a Killer Technical Presentation” and wondered if we could talk about what that means… I thought two things: 1) what is a technical presentation? And 2) You bet! Oscar is the podcast host of Time to Shine, an interview-based podcast about public speaking, and he has been studying and is now speaking about what it means to give a killer technical presentation – the likes of Steve Jobs and Guy Kawasaki. I have to admit: these kinds of presentations aren't normally my jam. The selling - the 'reveal' - but I'm reminded in watching these and talking with Oscar how important they've been to us as a culture. Taking our ideas and turning them into realities. Sharing IDEAS as much as they are a commercial. When done right, they are about more than the stuff.
094: MMM - The Creative Process Part Five - REACT
25/03/2016 Duración: 25minThis - the final part of our series on The Creative Process (check out the rest here: Part One: Theory, Part Two: Research, Part Three: ReFrame/Retreat, Part Four: Realize). Today's part is about REACT. Going public. Putting it out there. Or, as the amazing Seth Godin says, "shipping it." Getting it in front of an audience. Testing it. Getting feedback.... and then starting this whole darn process over again. It's about getting comfortable with the discomfort of failure and learning. As I've said many many times before - the only way to better is through.