My Gospel Soul Radio

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 2576:01:00
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I care about you and your relationship with God! I preach a simple message! The Wages of Sin is Death BUT the Gift of God is Eternal Life. We are chosen by God. He proved that when he gave his son for us. Sin is not worth losing your soul. Simple Godly principles and discipline coupled with Faith and Love will carry us through. There is a lot of Compromising that is taking place in the church today but we have to careful not to stray away from the will of God!I Pastor Jennice Jackson would love to share the ministry that God gave me with you. This ministry is heard around the world. We desire to reach hurting souls. Those that are bound by drug addiction, sexual addiction, affected by homelessness and hunger. Those that have been victimize and transform them through the word of God into Over Comers and Witnesses to Win Souls! We aim to share the unadulterated Word. Compelling Men and Women to Come to Christ. The Lord says come let us reason together. Though your sins be as scarlet he will make them white as snow though they be as crimson he will make them white as wool. We are a healing and deliverance ministry gifted in evangelism. Join us today and be apart of a Mighty Move of God!


  • Salvation After HIV (Disclosure) Who Should You Tell?

    13/11/2014 Duración: 01h28min

    Salvation After HIV/AIDS was formed because there is a major need for Education, Support and Awareness in the Christian Community. This Organization will show the importance of testing, getting educated, and showing support and acceptance for those that are living with any illness.  

  • My Gospel Soul Central with Pastor J.

    10/11/2014 Duración: 01h15min

    Breaking the Yoke of Bondage Through the Love and Peace of God  Welcome to My Gospel Soul Central Website: Community, Network, Life, Faith Connecting and Sharing   Passion, Awareness, Art, Music, Love, Stories #jmademag #mygospelsoul  At My Gospel Soul Central we are Pursuing God. We are pursuing the Peace of God. We are Currently a home based ministry. We are training up strong Saints of God that will Love the way God teaches to Love through the Power of the Word of God. We want to challenge others in the Body of Christ to stand and Decree and Declare the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the Highways and Byways. We believe God that Souls will be saved and that The Saints of God will begin to Stand without fear, knowing that God is with them. It is no time for Compromising with the World. We must impact the World and not let the World impact the body of Christ. We are using this website to provide an online gateway to every outlet Pastor J uses to share the Word of God. Messag

  • Responding Well to Criticism Proverbs 12:16-18

    07/11/2014 Duración: 01h23min

    Breaking the Yoke of Bondage Through the Love and Peace of God  Welcome to My Gospel Soul Central Website: Community, Network, Life, Faith Connecting and Sharing   Passion, Awareness, Art, Music, Love, Stories #jmademag #mygospelsoul  At My Gospel Soul Central we are Pursuing God. We are pursuing the Peace of God. We are Currently a home based ministry. We are training up strong Saints of God that will Love the way God teaches to Love through the Power of the Word of God. We want to challenge others in the Body of Christ to stand and Decree and Declare the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the Highways and Byways. We believe God that Souls will be saved and that The Saints of God will begin to Stand without fear, knowing that God is with them. It is no time for Compromising with the World. We must impact the World and not let the World impact the body of Christ. We are using this website to provide an online gateway to every outlet Pastor J uses to share the Word of God. Messag

  • Don't Let your Mouth Write a check that your Soul Can't Cash! Matt. 15-10-20

    06/11/2014 Duración: 01h28min

    Breaking the Yoke of Bondage Through the Love and Peace of God  Welcome to My Gospel Soul Central With  Special Guest JXavier Shared his thought on: Life and Death is in the Power of the Tongue! Website: Community, Network, Life, Faith Connecting and Sharing   Passion, Awareness, Art, Music, Love, Stories #jmademag #mygospelsoul  At My Gospel Soul Central we are Pursuing God. We are pursuing the Peace of God. We are Currently a home based ministry. We are training up strong Saints of God that will Love the way God teaches to Love through the Power of the Word of God. We want to challenge others in the Body of Christ to stand and Decree and Declare the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the Highways and Byways. We believe God that Souls will be saved and that The Saints of God will begin to Stand without fear, knowing that God is with them. It is no time for Compromising with the World. We must impact the World and not let the World impact the body of Christ. We are using this we

  • My Gospel Soul Central with Pastor J.

    05/11/2014 Duración: 01h30min

    Breaking the Yoke of Bondage Through the Love and Peace of God  Welcome to My Gospel Soul Central Website: Community, Network, Life, Faith Connecting and Sharing   Passion, Awareness, Art, Music, Love, Stories #jmademag #mygospelsoul  At My Gospel Soul Central we are Pursuing God. We are pursuing the Peace of God. We are Currently a home based ministry. We are training up strong Saints of God that will Love the way God teaches to Love through the Power of the Word of God. We want to challenge others in the Body of Christ to stand and Decree and Declare the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the Highways and Byways. We believe God that Souls will be saved and that The Saints of God will begin to Stand without fear, knowing that God is with them. It is no time for Compromising with the World. We must impact the World and not let the World impact the body of Christ. We are using this website to provide an online gateway to every outlet Pastor J uses to share the Word of God. Messag

  • Networking Tuesday Making Connections! What do you do?

    04/11/2014 Duración: 01h30min

    Breaking the Yoke of Bondage Through the Love and Peace of God  Welcome to My Gospel Soul Central Website: Community, Network, Life, Faith Connecting and Sharing   Passion, Awareness, Art, Music, Love, Stories #jmademag #mygospelsoul  At My Gospel Soul Central we are Pursuing God. We are pursuing the Peace of God. We are Currently a home based ministry. We are training up strong Saints of God that will Love the way God teaches to Love through the Power of the Word of God. We want to challenge others in the Body of Christ to stand and Decree and Declare the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the Highways and Byways. We believe God that Souls will be saved and that The Saints of God will begin to Stand without fear, knowing that God is with them. It is no time for Compromising with the World. We must impact the World and not let the World impact the body of Christ. We are using this website to provide an online gateway to every outlet Pastor J uses to share the Word of God. Messag

  • Faith and Works! Faith without works is Dead. What/where is your Substance? Listen In!

    03/11/2014 Duración: 01h28min

    Glory Be to God For the Great Things He has Done!  While you're here, and have a prayer request please send any prayer request to or visit our site's contact page Have You Recieved Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior? Well, today is your day! Confess with your mouth and believe in your heart that Jesus Christ died on the Cross for your Sins that you may have a right to eternal life! I pray that you Join Me Pastor J For Mid-Week Bible Study 424-203-8000 code # 115282 or live Sunday Mornings at  Thank you for visiting, please come again I look Forward to sharing the Word of God with You and hearing Your Testimonies. Remember God Has a Blessing with your name on it!

  • My Gospel Soul Central with Pastor J.

    30/10/2014 Duración: 01h04min

    Breaking the Yoke of Bondage Through the Love and Peace of God  Welcome to My Gospel Soul Central Website: Community, Network, Life, Faith Connecting and Sharing   Passion, Awareness, Art, Music, Love, Stories #jmademag #mygospelsoul  At My Gospel Soul Central we are Pursuing God. We are pursuing the Peace of God. We are Currently a home based ministry. We are training up strong Saints of God that will Love the way God teaches to Love through the Power of the Word of God. We want to challenge others in the Body of Christ to stand and Decree and Declare the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the Highways and Byways. We believe God that Souls will be saved and that The Saints of God will begin to Stand without fear, knowing that God is with them. It is no time for Compromising with the World. We must impact the World and not let the World impact the body of Christ. We are using this website to provide an online gateway to every outlet Pastor J uses to share the Word of Go

  • My Gospel Soul Networking Tuesday!

    28/10/2014 Duración: 01h00s

     Welcome to My Gospel Soul Central Website: Community, Network, Life, Faith Connecting and Sharing   Passion, Awareness, Art, Music, Love, Stories #jmademag #mygospelsoul  At My Gospel Soul Network is a Support System and Networking Website.  Place an add with us. Send you 5 Line listing to "FREE" Also send Graphic in Jpeg for bold immediate attraction to your info!   

  • My Gospel Soul Central with Pastor J.

    27/10/2014 Duración: 57min

    Breaking the Yoke of Bondage Through the Love and Peace of God  Welcome to My Gospel Soul Central Website: Community, Network, Life, Faith Connecting and Sharing   Passion, Awareness, Art, Music, Love, Stories #jmademag #mygospelsoul  At My Gospel Soul Central we are Pursuing God. We are pursuing the Peace of God. We are Currently a home based ministry. We are training up strong Saints of God that will Love the way God teaches to Love through the Power of the Word of God. We want to challenge others in the Body of Christ to stand and Decree and Declare the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the Highways and Byways. We believe God that Souls will be saved and that The Saints of God will begin to Stand without fear, knowing that God is with them. It is no time for Compromising with the World. We must impact the World and not let the World impact the body of Christ. We are using this website to provide an online gateway to every outlet Pastor J uses to share the Word of God. Messag

  • Busting Loose in Faith w/ Apostle & Prophet. Thibeaux

    24/10/2014 Duración: 55min

    Breaking the Yoke of Bondage Through the Love and Peace of God  Welcome to My Gospel Soul Central Website: Community, Network, Life, Faith Connecting and Sharing   Passion, Awareness, Art, Music, Love, Stories #jmademag #mygospelsoul  At My Gospel Soul Central we are Pursuing God. We are pursuing the Peace of God. We are Currently a home based ministry. We are training up strong Saints of God that will Love the way God teaches to Love through the Power of the Word of God. We want to challenge others in the Body of Christ to stand and Decree and Declare the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the Highways and Byways. We believe God that Souls will be saved and that The Saints of God will begin to Stand without fear, knowing that God is with them. It is no time for Compromising with the World. We must impact the World and not let the World impact the body of Christ. We are using this website to provide an online gateway to every outlet Pastor J uses to share the Word of God. Messag

  • My Gospel Soul Central with Pastor J.

    21/10/2014 Duración: 58min

    Breaking the Yoke of Bondage Through the Love and Peace of God  Welcome to My Gospel Soul Central Website: Community, Network, Life, Faith Connecting and Sharing   Passion, Awareness, Art, Music, Love, Stories #jmademag #mygospelsoul  At My Gospel Soul Central we are Pursuing God. We are pursuing the Peace of God. We are Currently a home based ministry. We are training up strong Saints of God that will Love the way God teaches to Love through the Power of the Word of God. We want to challenge others in the Body of Christ to stand and Decree and Declare the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the Highways and Byways. We believe God that Souls will be saved and that The Saints of God will begin to Stand without fear, knowing that God is with them. It is no time for Compromising with the World. We must impact the World and not let the World impact the body of Christ. We are using this website to provide an online gateway to every outlet Pastor J uses to share the Word of God. Messag

  • Busting Loose In Faith With Apostle Thibeaux of Seed of Faith E.O.M.

    17/10/2014 Duración: 51min

    Breaking the Yoke of Bondage Through the Love and Peace of God  Welcome to My Gospel Soul Central Website: Community, Network, Life, Faith Connecting and Sharing   Passion, Awareness, Art, Music, Love, Stories #jmademag #mygospelsoul  At My Gospel Soul Central we are Pursuing God. We are pursuing the Peace of God. We are Currently a home based ministry. We are training up strong Saints of God that will Love the way God teaches to Love through the Power of the Word of God. We want to challenge others in the Body of Christ to stand and Decree and Declare the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the Highways and Byways. We believe God that Souls will be saved and that The Saints of God will begin to Stand without fear, knowing that God is with them. It is no time for Compromising with the World. We must impact the World and not let the World impact the body of Christ. We are using this website to provide an online gateway to every outlet Pastor J uses to share the Word of God. Messag

  • My Gospel Soul Central with Pastor J.

    16/10/2014 Duración: 46min

    Breaking the Yoke of Bondage Through the Love and Peace of God  Welcome to My Gospel Soul Central Website: Community, Network, Life, Faith Connecting and Sharing   Passion, Awareness, Art, Music, Love, Stories #jmademag #mygospelsoul  At My Gospel Soul Central we are Pursuing God. We are pursuing the Peace of God. We are Currently a home based ministry. We are training up strong Saints of God that will Love the way God teaches to Love through the Power of the Word of God. We want to challenge others in the Body of Christ to stand and Decree and Declare the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the Highways and Byways. We believe God that Souls will be saved and that The Saints of God will begin to Stand without fear, knowing that God is with them. It is no time for Compromising with the World. We must impact the World and not let the World impact the body of Christ. We are using this website to provide an online gateway to every outlet Pastor J uses to share the Word of God. Messag

  • My Gospel Soul Central with Pastor J.

    15/10/2014 Duración: 59min

    Breaking the Yoke of Bondage Through the Love and Peace of God  Welcome to My Gospel Soul Central Website: Community, Network, Life, Faith Connecting and Sharing   Passion, Awareness, Art, Music, Love, Stories #jmademag #mygospelsoul  At My Gospel Soul Central we are Pursuing God. We are pursuing the Peace of God. We are Currently a home based ministry. We are training up strong Saints of God that will Love the way God teaches to Love through the Power of the Word of God. We want to challenge others in the Body of Christ to stand and Decree and Declare the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the Highways and Byways. We believe God that Souls will be saved and that The Saints of God will begin to Stand without fear, knowing that God is with them. It is no time for Compromising with the World. We must impact the World and not let the World impact the body of Christ. We are using this website to provide an online gateway to every outlet Pastor J uses to share the Word of God. Messag

  • My Gospel Soul Central with Pastor J.

    13/10/2014 Duración: 56min

    Breaking the Yoke of Bondage Through the Love and Peace of God  Welcome to My Gospel Soul Central Website: Community, Network, Life, Faith Connecting and Sharing   Passion, Awareness, Art, Music, Love, Stories #jmademag #mygospelsoul  At My Gospel Soul Central we are Pursuing God. We are pursuing the Peace of God. We are Currently a home based ministry. We are training up strong Saints of God that will Love the way God teaches to Love through the Power of the Word of God. We want to challenge others in the Body of Christ to stand and Decree and Declare the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the Highways and Byways. We believe God that Souls will be saved and that The Saints of God will begin to Stand without fear, knowing that God is with them. It is no time for Compromising with the World. We must impact the World and not let the World impact the body of Christ. We are using this website to provide an online gateway to every outlet Pastor J uses to share the Word of God. Messag

  • Busting Loose in Faith "Don't Miss the Roll Call" w/Apostle Thibeaux

    10/10/2014 Duración: 57min

    "Don't mlss the roll call" scripture verses Matthew 25 verses 1:13 Seed of Faith Evangelistic Outreach Ministries with Apsotle Thibeaux and Prophetess Thibeaux Breaking the Yoke of Bondage Through the Love and Peace of God  Welcome to My Gospel Soul Central Website: Community, Network, Life, Faith Connecting and Sharing   Passion, Awareness, Art, Music, Love, Stories #jmademag #mygospelsoul  At My Gospel Soul Central we are Pursuing God. We are pursuing the Peace of God. We are Currently a home based ministry. We are training up strong Saints of God that will Love the way God teaches to Love through the Power of the Word of God. We want to challenge others in the Body of Christ to stand and Decree and Declare the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the Highways and Byways. We believe God that Souls will be saved and that The Saints of God will begin to Stand without fear, knowing that God is with them. It is no time for Compromising with the World. We must impact the World and

  • Pastor with Minister Bertrand Our Children Our Future

    09/10/2014 Duración: 01h02min

    Talking about "It takes a village" But what do we do when the villagers Violate thier authority! Breaking the Yoke of Bondage Through the Love and Peace of God  Welcome to My Gospel Soul Central Website: Community, Network, Life, Faith Connecting and Sharing   Passion, Awareness, Art, Music, Love, Stories #jmademag #mygospelsoul  At My Gospel Soul Central we are Pursuing God. We are pursuing the Peace of God. We are Currently a home based ministry. We are training up strong Saints of God that will Love the way God teaches to Love through the Power of the Word of God. We want to challenge others in the Body of Christ to stand and Decree and Declare the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the Highways and Byways. We believe God that Souls will be saved and that The Saints of God will begin to Stand without fear, knowing that God is with them. It is no time for Compromising with the World. We must impact the World and not let the World impact the body of Christ. We are using this w

  • The Power of Prayer/ Relationship with God

    08/10/2014 Duración: 01h00s

    Breaking the Yoke of Bondage Through the Love and Peace of God  Welcome to My Gospel Soul Central Website: Community, Network, Life, Faith Connecting and Sharing   Passion, Awareness, Art, Music, Love, Stories #jmademag #mygospelsoul  At My Gospel Soul Central we are Pursuing God. We are pursuing the Peace of God. We are Currently a home based ministry. We are training up strong Saints of God that will Love the way God teaches to Love through the Power of the Word of God. We want to challenge others in the Body of Christ to stand and Decree and Declare the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the Highways and Byways. We believe God that Souls will be saved and that The Saints of God will begin to Stand without fear, knowing that God is with them. It is no time for Compromising with the World. We must impact the World and not let the World impact the body of Christ. We are using this website to provide an online gateway to every outlet Pastor J uses to share the Word of Go

  • My Gospel Soul Central Networking Tuesday!

    07/10/2014 Duración: 01h09min

    Breaking the Yoke of Bondage Through the Love and Peace of God  Welcome to My Gospel Soul Central Website: Community, Network, Life, Faith Connecting and Sharing   Passion, Awareness, Art, Music, Love, Stories #jmademag #mygospelsoul  At My Gospel Soul Central we are Pursuing God. We are pursuing the Peace of God. We are Currently a home based ministry. We are training up strong Saints of God that will Love the way God teaches to Love through the Power of the Word of God. We want to challenge others in the Body of Christ to stand and Decree and Declare the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the Highways and Byways. We believe God that Souls will be saved and that The Saints of God will begin to Stand without fear, knowing that God is with them. It is no time for Compromising with the World. We must impact the World and not let the World impact the body of Christ. We are using this website to provide an online gateway to every outlet Pastor J uses to share the Word of God. Messag

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