My Gospel Soul Radio

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 2576:01:00
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I care about you and your relationship with God! I preach a simple message! The Wages of Sin is Death BUT the Gift of God is Eternal Life. We are chosen by God. He proved that when he gave his son for us. Sin is not worth losing your soul. Simple Godly principles and discipline coupled with Faith and Love will carry us through. There is a lot of Compromising that is taking place in the church today but we have to careful not to stray away from the will of God!I Pastor Jennice Jackson would love to share the ministry that God gave me with you. This ministry is heard around the world. We desire to reach hurting souls. Those that are bound by drug addiction, sexual addiction, affected by homelessness and hunger. Those that have been victimize and transform them through the word of God into Over Comers and Witnesses to Win Souls! We aim to share the unadulterated Word. Compelling Men and Women to Come to Christ. The Lord says come let us reason together. Though your sins be as scarlet he will make them white as snow though they be as crimson he will make them white as wool. We are a healing and deliverance ministry gifted in evangelism. Join us today and be apart of a Mighty Move of God!


  • Mending Friendships | The Importance of Forgiveness |Welcome 2018

    03/01/2018 Duración: 40min

    The Power of Love to bring a spirit of Forgiveness. Becoming free from the things that bind you and knowing that you have to let it go.   When restoring a friendship it is very important to Forgive completely.  Conversation for unresolved issues and making sure a person know that you acknowledge their feelings.  Then Move forward.  Don't revisit previous or dead issues!

  • Busting Loose in Faith with Apostle Dudley Thibeaux

    29/12/2017 Duración: 33min

    Join Apostle Dudley Thibeaux and Prophetess Thibeaux for An Hour of Word Praise and Faith!   Friday's on My Gospe Soul

  • You have the Right to Change your Mind in 2018

    28/12/2017 Duración: 01h00s

    Roman 12:1-2 Your Mind, Your Body and Soul!  Set it free from the bondages of the is world.  And allow God to Transform you from the Inside Out!   Renewing of the Mind can Change your Entire World and give you the Future that was truly designed for you!  

  • Busting Loose in Faith with Apostle Dudley Thibeaux

    22/12/2017 Duración: 28min

    Join Apostle Dudley Thibeaux for an hour of Power, Word and Inspiration! Bringing the Word of God to You that will Change Your Life!  

  • Being a Woman of Action | Good Music | Relationship Talk

    21/12/2017 Duración: 57min

    Women and the Home, Relationships, Husbands, Singleness, Preparation! What do you want?  What do You desire?  Be real about it and allow God to bless you!  If you like taking care of the home...Amen!  If You like Working and he likes Cookng Amen.  There needs to be harmony in the Home! Forget about the Grass on the other side.  Live as if this is the only yard in the world and do the Work to Keep the Grass Green!  

  • Networking Wednesday | Bam Here It Is | Good Music

    20/12/2017 Duración: 01h00s

    Join Queen Jack for My Gospel Soul  Inspiration, Networking, Encouragement  

  • Let it Play Monday: Seasons Greetings

    18/12/2017 Duración: 55min

    Encouragement Praise and Inspiration  

  • Busting Loose in Faith with Apostle Dudley Thibeaux

    15/12/2017 Duración: 29min

    Join Apostle Thibeaux Friday's for Busting Loose in Faith. A Seed of Faith Ministry

  • Understanding Who You Are In Christ

    12/12/2017 Duración: 30min

    Do you Know Who You are in Christ???

  • Busting Loose in Faith with Apostle Dudley Thibeaux

    08/12/2017 Duración: 33min

    Busting Loose in Faith Ministries An Seed of Faith Evangelistic out reach Ministry

  • Part 2: Have you Become a New Person on My Gospel Soul

    06/12/2017 Duración: 01h17min

    You are More likely to be chosen than you think.  It's a mind thing.  Your personal relationship with God is what is going to trigger the ultimate change in your life.  You have to see your self through the eyes of God! That come through spending time in Prayer and in your word! Transformation starts with the Relationship!

  • Have You Become a New Person | A Reading From "Becoming a Vessel God Can Use"

    05/12/2017 Duración: 55min

    Contrary to Popular belief the Change that is to take place in your life is for you to be able to see first rather than man first!  That is how alot of folks get caught up with Pastor and People Salvation.  We run around hell bent on being different in front of people but different behind closed doors. Do you see and feel a change in your life.  Walk in that change.  Be patient and let God work on you not man, God!  we were not put here to save people we wwere put here to lead people to Christ and he will do the Changing!.  The same thing that was done in me is not the same that needs to be done in you.   Desire to live according to Gods perfect will for your life not mans. And your Salvation will not be such a struggle. Once again.... Do You see the change or feel the change in you!?

  • Busting Loose in Faith with Apostle Thibeaux

    01/12/2017 Duración: 43min

    Busting Loose in Faith

  • My Gospel Soul | Word Wednesday | Pastor J. Preaches "Access Granted

    29/11/2017 Duración: 40min

    Join Us For An Hour of Praise Word and Inspiration.

  • My Gospel Soul | Happy Holidays | Thanksgiving Review |

    28/11/2017 Duración: 01h18min

    Join Queen Jack for an Hour of Praise Encouragement and Inspiration!! You don't want to miss it!

  • Busting Loose in Faith Radio Ministry with Apostle Dudley Thibeaux

    17/11/2017 Duración: 35min

    Join Apostle Dudley Thibeaux and Prophetess Lisa Thibeaux of Seed of Faith Evangelistic Outreach Ministries Friday's on My Gospel Soul Radio for An hour of Power! 

  • Busting Loose In Faith Ministry with Apostle and Prophetess Thibeaux

    10/11/2017 Duración: 29min

    Tune in for an Hour of Power with Apostle Dudley Thibeaux and Prophetess Thibeaux. You don't want to miss your Blessing!

  • Networking Tuesday | Music | Thanksgiving Feast and More...

    07/11/2017 Duración: 58min

    Join Me as I Music, love, Life and inspiration.  And don't forget to check out my site.:  

  • Let it Play Monday | Desert Monday(Thanksgiving Feast) | Encouraging Word

    06/11/2017 Duración: 56min

    Join Queen Jack/Pastor J Hour of Inspiration

  • Busting Loose in Faith Ministries w/ Apostle D. Thibeaux

    03/11/2017 Duración: 35min

    My Gospel Soul Radio Presents Busting Loose in Faith Ministries with Apostle Dudley Thibeaux and Prophetess Lisa Thibeaux (A Seed of Faith Evangelistic Outreach Ministry)

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