This series of video podcasts is based upon a system for success developed by psychologist, Dr. Bill Crawford, (Ph.D.). The basic premise of this philosophy is that the reason we are less than effective is that the problems in our life trigger the release of certain stress-related chemicals that engage the lower 20% of our brain which is incapable of creative thinking. This results in feelings of stress, frustration, and the desire to either lash out or escape. What makes Dr. Crawford's "Top of the Mind" system unique and powerful is that it shows us how to change the chemical make-up of our body and shift to the upper 80% of our brain where we can access the clarity, confidence, and creativity necessary to bring our best to all aspects of life.
Teaching Kids to Self-Regulate
22/12/2020“Until we teach our kids to self-regulate, we will be stuck trying to reason with their unreasonable brain, which will only leave everyone stuck in the cycle of conflict.” Bill Crawford (
What To Do When Rushed Or Anxious
14/12/2020“When feeling rushed or anxious, rather than speeding up, try slowing down… just by 2%.” ~ Bill Crawford (
The Neuroscience of Why We Resist Change
10/12/2020"Sometimes we stay in Hell a long time because we have learned the names of the streets." ~ Michael Levine (
Resolving Versus Reliving The Past
28/11/2020“In order to resolve (re-solve) the past versus continuing to relive it, we will need to access the part of the brain that solves problems versus remaining stuck in the part of the brain that continues to bring up painful memories thinking this will keep us safe.” ~ Bill Crawford (
One More Tool to Create the Life You Want
22/11/2020“Defining the people and situations in our lives as annoying, frustrating, irritating, and depressing only has us set up to feel annoyed, frustrated, irritated, and depressed.” ~ Bill Crawford (
Four Steps To Creating the Life You Want
17/11/2020"We can’t claim what we don’t name.” ~ Adapted from Brené Brown (
Narcissism & the Fear of Being Ordinary
01/11/2020“Narcissism is the shame-based fear of being ordinary.” ~ Brené Brown (
Needing Others to Change
17/10/2020"Regardless of the situation, as long as our solution requires someone else to change, we will never know the power and promise of self-determination." ~ Bill Crawford (
The 1st Essential Element to Effective Influence & Communication
11/10/2020“Until we learn to create the sort of interactions that trigger psychological safety in others, we will forever be fighting the neurobiology of suspicion and resistance.” ~ Bill Crawford (
Resolving Arguments Between Coworkers & Family Members
04/10/2020"You will never resolve a conflict by fighting another’s existing reality." ~ Bill Crawford (
Mistakes, Failure, & Blame
27/09/2020"The only time a mistake becomes a failure is when we look for someone to blame." ~ Bill Crawford (
How We Define Who We Are
19/09/2020“Be the kind of person you wished for, when no one was there for you.” ~ Nikita Gil (
The One Question That Will Stop Any Argument!
13/09/2020“One question that can stop almost any argument is…are you wanting to understand my position, or do you just want to convince me that I’m wrong?” ~ Bill Crawford (
5 Clues To Watching The News!
06/09/2020"If we consume simply what we are fed with respect to 'the news,' we run the risk of being inflamed versus informed." ~ Bill Crawford (
When To Trust Our Judgement
30/08/2020"In order to trust our own judgement, we must first determine if we are accessing the trustworthy part of who we are." ~ Bill Crawford (
The Case For (and Against) Anger
25/08/2020“Anger can be a signal that something needs to change… however, it is often not the most effective energy to trust in making the change.” ~ Bill Crawford (
Choosing Conscious Action Over Unconscious Reactions
23/08/2020"A Life lived by choice is a life of conscious action. A life lived by chance is a life of unconscious reaction." ~ Neale Walsch (
Steps 5 & 6 - Step 5 Being the "Magic Step" in Dealing with Difficult People
18/08/2020“To create solution-focused conversations, we must be truly focused on the solution and the future, not the problem and the past.” ~ Bill Crawford (
6 Steps to Dealing with Difficult People - Step One
11/08/2020“In order to deal with difficult people effectively, we must be coming from the ‘effective’ (versus the reactive) brain.” ~ Bill Crawford (